December 2009 archive

American Values in a Nutshell

Here are American values in a nutshell.

  • Today, the House approved by an overwhelming 395-34 vote a ‘budget’ of $636 billion for 10 months for the Pentagon.

  • In November, the House passed by a narrow 220-214 vote legislation that would “cost $1.1 trillion over 10 years and extend insurance coverage to 36 million uninsured Americans.”

The Senate will approve the 2010 Pentagon funding later this month and its price tag will likely increase.

In 10 months, we Americans will allow the Pentagon to spend more than half of what the House is willing to spend on watered down health reform legislation during 10 years. The Senate cannot even be convinced to pass the bill the House barely approved.

This is an example of what we value as a people. I think it is morally and fiscally wrong.

This is what is wrong with Congress. This is what is wrong with America. This is what I think we must change if we are to survive as a nation.


Cross-posted from Daily Kos.


Bernake named ‘Person of the Year’

Well, Time Magazine has named Ben Bernake the person of the year:

The story of the year was a weak economy that could have been much, much weaker. Thank the man who runs the Federal Reserve, our mild-mannered economic overlord…

Act Now to Stop War Funding

Within the next few days, Congress will vote on a incredibly bloated $636 billion military spending bill, which includes $128 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

At this time of economic and ecological crisis, the U.S. government wants more money than ever for indefinite war and occupation.

Tell your Members of Congress: vote NO on war funding.

A recent poll showed that a majority of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan is “not worth fighting.”1

However, President Obama is sending at least 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, on top of the 21,000 he already sent earlier in 2009.

Make no mistake: our troops won't come home until we convince our Members of Congress to cut off funding for the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Let them know where you stand today.

Tell your members of Congress: Vote NO on the fiscal year 2010 defense appropriations bill.



1. Jennifer Agiesta and Jon Cohen, “Public Opinion in US Turns Against the War.” 8/20/09, Washington Post.


When the rules don’t fit Wall Street

  You might have heard about how Washington is going to crack down on Wall Street banks. It was something about regulations and Fat Cats.

  Yet if you look at what is going on today, you would come to the exact opposite conclusion.

 The Internal Revenue Service on Friday issued an exception to long-standing tax rules for the benefit of Citigroup and a few other companies partially owned by the government. As a result, Citigroup will be allowed to retain billions of dollars worth of tax breaks that otherwise would decline in value when the government sells its stake to private investors.

 I bet you were starting to worry about the TARP banks, and if they could still afford to give out multi-million dollar bonuses to their executives. I know I was. Thanks to an IRS rules change, they still can.

Afternoon Edition

Afternoon Edition is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Forests offer first hope out of climate deadlock

by Richard Ingham, AFP

40 mins ago

COPENHAGEN (AFP) – Rich nations Wednesday offered the first sign of progress at a UN climate summit, pledging 3.5 billion dollars to fight deforestation as talks bogged down on procedures and were marred by clashes.

Six countries — Australia, Britain, France, Japan, Norway and the United States — said they would set up a fund to fight the loss of forests, a leading source of the rising temperatures feared to threaten the planet.

In a joint statement, the six governments said they would collectively dedicate 3.5 billion dollars from 2010 to 2012 in what they hoped would be just the starting point for a deforestation fund by wealthy nations.

Rendition:It’s not just for “Terrorists”

Makers of herbal cancer cures included.…

Fuck Obama.  Fuck ObamaCare.  Fuck the CO2 global fascism ruse.

Fuck corporate media.

What?  Where is my Christmas spirit?  Went away along with my job.

BREAKING: Sanders speaking out for single payer on floor of Senate RIGHT NOW

Watch here:…

Check out below the fold for more info.

You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains

Tired of being Chained to a Party that let’s you down time after time?

Tired of being chained to a Party that bald faced lies to you?

Tired of getting Pissed On by the Democrats and having them and the “supporters” tell you it is fresh spring rain?

Tired of the same old shit sandwich served up by Harry Reid for lunch everyday?

Tired of being chained to a party that tells YOU what to do….when is is so painfully obvious that that Party doesn’t have a Fucking Clue what it is doing?  

Tired of contributing time and money to a Party so that they will FIGHT for your cause….only to have that Party throw each and every one of your causes under the bus and then shrug, say “we don’t have the votes” for the zillionth time…and then  ask you for MORE money and MORE time….so they can throw you under their well funded bus even harder?


Well come on over to the LEFT of the Democratic Party and it’s loose affiliates! The oft misquoted SMALL d “democratic wing of the Democratic Party.” Where we believe The People should lead the Party, not that the interminably proven spineless, incompetent, sold out, and corrupt Party should lead The People.

Where People Powered Politics still lives.

(And no, I don’t mean to Docudharma, silly, its a metaphor!)

Where we KNOW that NOBODY has “Got This” and that if anybody ever is going to “Get It” it will be because The People kicked them in the ass until they did.

Or kicked them out when they didn’t.

It has been said many times, as most true things are…that after the Bush Years, what used to be The Fringe Right is now the Center Right, what used to be The Center Right is now The Center, what used to be the Center is now the Center Left, what used to be the Center Left is now considered (laughably) to be The Left, and what was once the Left is now….pretty much gone.

In an age when the Center Right is now called Socialismmmm…well you get teh picture.

The good news is….that leaves PLENTY of room for new people on The Left!

People like the ones who voted for Obama thinking that he really meant he was going to change the system, people who actually DID have Hope that he would change DC and the way the Government works, people who thought that Change meant more than just a more photogenic Resident of the White House and some important and helpful executive orders etc…..

Who’s Zooming Who?

From Salon

Why is Obama still protecting Lieberman?

I am beginning to see the inevitable healthcare “compromise” as the product of a political song and dance conducted by Democrats and Republicans solely to appease various constituencies within their parties — and nothing else. Remarkably, The Onion accurately assessed the situation several months ago with the satirical essay “Congress Deadlocked Over How To Not Provide Health Care.” The Onion “quotes” Nancy Pelosi in a very smart passage:


Both parties understand that the current system is broken,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday. “But what we can’t seem to agree upon is how to best keep it broken, while still ensuring that no elected official takes any political risk whatsoever. It’s a very complicated issue

An old word used in a new way to clarify debate.

I have a new word that I’d like people on Docudharma to consider.  Ok, it’s not really a new word.  Still, it’s a word I’d like people to think about using.

The word is “accommodationist”.

You see, I was thinking about creating a new diary to raise a new point, and I was thinking about making certain, well, there is no other way to put it than accusations.

And I have been thinking also about the discourse we use, putting our complaints as it were in one basket.

For example, we use the terms that have been given to us to describe certain things.  One of those words is “centrist”.  “Centrist” is indeed a dirty word based on all that purported centrism has accomplished for this country in the last 30 years.

Centrism has brought us a military industrial complex out of control, a massive uncontrollable debt, untold misery and lies for the people who can afford it least, people kicked out of their homes, their jobs shipped overseas, “free” trade enacted that is anything but, environmental damage in the name of jobs, our manufacturing base destroyed, the illusory “service” economy, bubbles, false euphoria, greed, misery, the “ownership society”, and outright economic, political and moral failure.

“End Lieberman’s Reign of Terror”

John Burton, former state Senator of California and current official in the CA dem party, has drawn up a petition to Harry Reid which is aimed at ending the abusive tactics used by Joe Lieberman to hold the Senate and the country hostage.

It involves a simple rule change, and can be done easily.

This is the text of the petition:

As a member of the Democratic caucus, Joe Lieberman enjoys a key committee chairmanship and other plum assignments and we get next to nothing in return.

Enough is enough. It’s time to end Joe Lieberman’s reign of terror and restore democracy to the Senate by changing Rule 22 and ending the filibuster.

And you can sign it here.

Short and sweet.  Take Action.

Open Invitation


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