Science has always been under attack from the Right, who never let things like factsiness get in the way of their guts. Hell, Mulder had nothing on the right-wing tribe of “we want to believe.” Look at the Warren Report. Science is their Enemy. Logic the Anti-Christ.
It is no surprise that after the 60’s revolution, there was a concerted effort to dumb down the Population, discourage critical thinking and demonize science while elevating Religious Radicalism in the National center stage. Reagan was a direct result of Nixon, not so much as direct revenge, but the result of think tanks using logic to create a more manageable populace.
Science is painted as cold, impersonal, arrogant. People may be all of those things, but science cannot. Science is merely a process, devoid of all anthropomorphism.
It is a PROCESS of applying LOGICAL thinking to known data.
Like, say, a bullet cannot make 5 both lateral and vertical turns, through bone and erupt in a pristine state.
Or that DNA evidence proves we are all related, moving from the cradle of life in Africa outward.