December 2009 archive

Close your eyes and think of England

Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England.

We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies.

Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.

Lord Palmerston

A lot of people misunderstand me and my positions and I see that happening with Jane Hamsher.  I called her a sellout to her face on her own blog when she backed off the Strong (Medicare +5%) Public Option, but the position she’s taking with Grover “Drown Government in a Bathtub” Norquist is the exact opposite of a sellout and I feel compelled to offer a public defense.

In case you hadn’t noticed the big news this week, the ultimate Friday News Dump Black Hole, is that Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, and Larry Summers have decided, without Congressional Approval, to give Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not just 800 BILLION but AN UNLIMITED DRAW ON THE EXCHEQUER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (those big, hi-falutin’ words Caribou Barbie mean basically every tax payin’, gun totin’, freedom luvin’, snow machine drivin’ ‘murican) so they can re-inflate the housing bubble.

Now I personally don’t own a house, but I know those that do and even they should be dismayed.  Bailing out Banksters doesn’t create a single job.

And as it turns out Rahm Emanuel is in fact the figure that Tea Bagger Americans have accused Barney Frank of being (though he’s not openly homosexual as far as I know).

So Jane and Grover are getting together to call for an investigation.

Do you support the rule of law for all, or IOKIYAD?

I have perpetual interests instead of eternal allies, but I don’t want you to sign a petition simply because in my little pond I’m a pretty big fish.  As Armando says, I speak only for myself.

It’s a decision you should come to on your own.

A tale of two terrorist attacks

This will be short.  

I don’t know how to deal with this piece except to quote from Chris Floyd himself:

Here is another story in the news: in an isolated rural province in Afghanistan, 10 people were killed in a raid by American-led forces. The Afghan government, installed and sustained in power by the United States, said the victims were all civilians — including eight schoolboys.

But there was no international outcry about this incident; it barely garnered a few mentions in the global press. And even these were quickly shunted aside after a NATO official denied the claims of the Afghan government, and affirmed that all those killed in the raid were evil-doers. As the NYT reports:

A senior NATO official with knowledge of the operation said that the raid had been carried out by a joint Afghan-American force and that its target was a group of men who were known Taliban members and smugglers of homemade bombs, which the American and NATO forces call improvised explosive devices, or I.E.D.’s. … “When the raid took place they were armed and had material for making I.E.D.’s,” the official added.

Local officials on the scene in Kunar Province said otherwise. They said 10 civilians had been killed. They said eight of the dead were children:

The governor of Kunar, Fazullah Wahidi, said that “the coalition claimed they were enemy fighters,” but that elders in the district and a delegation sent to the remote area had found that “10 people were killed and all of them were civilians.”

But the NATO official said the Afghans were lying. We will never know the whole truth, of course, for the story will ultimately be controlled by the very force that carried out the attack: the American-led military occupation.

But what an instructive contrast. In one story, an attack which did not happen and which killed no one shakes the entire world. In another story, ten human beings, including eight children, were slaughtered in a sneak attack by night — and the world can scarcely be bothered to notice.

Late Night Karaoke

Open Thread

The Yell Softer Thesis

Karmafish at MLW says in the Question of the Day: “Yell Louder!”

Well, no, its not a question.

There are certain people who seem to think that we need to yell louder.  It’s as if they believe that if we wish to bring about positive fundamental change to the American system of governance than what is needed is… well… more yelling.   We need to yell and scream and rant and rage.  We need to jump up and down and shake our fists and howl at the mooon.

But, ya know what?  I’m tired of yelling.  I’m tired of listening to people yelling.  I’m tired of pretending that yelling somehow gets us anywhere.  I’m tired of self-righteous assholes, who barely know what the hell that they’re yammering about, insisting to the rest of us that their every syllable is right and true and good… while any who may oppose them, or merely even question them, are wrong and false and bad.

This is one reading of the “Yell Louder” text. I had a different one.



Choosing the goal.  Well that’s an idea I haven’t done much with and wouldn’t have a notion of how to present it or if it is even worth presenting.

Let’s put it this way … let’s muse about it.

Oh, first, jeffroby has really captured my imagination with his project (the name of which I forget at the moment … oh, here it is, the Full Court Press).  The idea would be to have a Democratic Party challenger in each and every district in the country.  The goal would not be electoral victory.

So I’m looking at goals.

Most folks who run for office have the goal of getting elected so they can have power.  For better or worse, moral or immoral, etc., being elected gives one power to do things one cannot do in the same way if one is not elected.

What if the goal of running for office was solely to reveal and expose how running for office in the 21st Century is a scandal and a joke and all those other “gasp” revelations that folks eat up like apple pie and so on.

Just as an example.

If the goal were different, then the entire view becomes different.

What is the goal?  To me, it’s to wake up as many folks as possible to the shell game that’s going on the US of A.

And I would like to hear some imaginative goals, unbound by convention or the win/lose bullshit mentality we have been spoonfed, like a goal being for everyone to wear blue shirts for one day and see what that would look like.

Just to break out of the box.

Strategy.  I don’t like strategy, it makes my  head hurt, I can play chess fairly well but I’m not a fan of it.  I am more comfortable in chaos.

Oh well.

So I freely admit this essay lacks even a scintilla of understanding or knowledge about strategy.

Except for the goals part.

Pique the Geek: a Day Late and a Topic Short 20091228

Hello, all!  Sorry not to post at the regular time last night, but I was enjoying my final hours with the family this trip and did not intend to disturb them by blogging.  Please forgive me, but they are extremely important to me.  I am sure that you will understand.

Part of our activities last evening was to watch the new Star Trek motion picture.  It recently came out on DVD, and the former Mrs. Translator and the two boys remaining at home rented it for us to watch.  It was nice to be able to pause it and hit the good Christmas leftovers from time to time as well.

Another Son Of Gideon v. Wainwright

In 1963, a unanimous United States Supreme Court overruled a decision it had made two decades before, and announced in Gideon v. Wainwright, a decision written by Justice Black, that due process of law required the appointment of counsel for people accused of felonies.  

Before Gideon was even decided, it should have been clear that a momentous decision was coming.  Gideon did have a lawyer, so the Court appointed Abe Fortas, who would later become a Supreme Court Justice, to represent him.  The ACLU filed an amicus curiae brief authored by legal heavyweights urging the Court to declare that the the Constitution’s due process clause contained a right to appointed counsel for indigents accused of felonies.  And 22 states filed amicus briefs agreeing with the ACLU.  Among the State Attorney Generals signing the brief were Walter Mondale and Thomas Eagleton.


Predictions 2010

This is my first time, so bear with me.

#1 Late in 2010, Barack Obama will realize that the Republicans are not trying to help rebuild the country from the Republican disaster of the last nine years.

#2 Just in time for the 2010 election, the voters will realize that the Democrats aren’t trying to help them rebuild from the Republican disaster of the last nine years.

#3 Realizing there is a HUGE power vacuum, the more progressive Senators and House Leaders will push for new, REAL reforms in all areas of government. The Obama Admin will shut them down. Hard.

#4 There will be shocking new revelations of law breaking on Wall St. and in the Insurance Industry. Nothing will happen.

#5 There will be shocking new revelations of torture and other war crimes. Nothing will happen.

#6 There will be shocking new revelations of corruption in Congress….nothing will happen.

#7 There will be shocking new revelations that our policies in Afghanistan are making things worse not better….nothing will happen.

#8 After all of this nothing happening (as opposed to, ya know, Change)….The 2010 elections will have a record low turnout and Repubs will “win.” Or. The 2010 elections will have a record high turnout and the Dems will win….but still not “have the votes.”

#9 As a result of this…..nothing will happen.

#10 Climate Change will continue to accelerate and we will all start to see the immensely serious consequences of decades of inaction. Nothing will happen.

Bonus Prediction: Something completely unexpected will happen. And no one will know what to do about it…but it will change everything.

Updated with Corrections Re: 9th Circuit legalizes torture

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Update #2: It has been brought to my attention that my initial analysis on the subject of this diary, originally titled “SCOTUS legalizes TORTURE and creates legal ‘unpersons'”, and then edited to state 9th Circuit . . .  is factually incorrect. I apologize for the confusion and will be writing a thorough dairy tomorrow based on the facts of the ruling by the 9th Circuit court.

    I have left the full text of the original diary intact below the fold and will be glad to be further corrected. I seek to learn as well as to share what knowledge I have.

    But I will ask this: When? When do we start to see accountability, for the super rich, for the Corporations and their CEO class, and for the crimes and other excesses of the politically powerful. When?

Thank you, and apologies to all.


Open Government


On Anti-Corporatism And Its Critique

This is a response to a number of recent statements in the blogosphere about “anti-corporatism,” the belief that what’s wrong with American politics is its domination by corporate power.  Here I argue that the divide between “Left” and “Right” is quite real — but on a wide variety of issues no traction will be gained unless we oppose neoliberalism, the political economy of choice for the corporate order.

(Crossposted at Orange)  

A Most Disastrous Decade Ending {to be continued}

Americans Are Hell-Bent on Tyranny

In the US, of course, there is no such attempt to hold to account Bush, Cheney, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the large number of war criminals that comprised the Bush Regime, notes Paul Craig Roberts….>>>>>

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