The Sun and the Hope of AmeriCare

The sun’ll come out


Bet your bottom dollar

That tomorrow

There’ll be sun!

Just thinkin’ about


Clears away the cobwebs,

And Bushian sorrow

Til there’s change!

When I’m stuck in an empire,

That’s broke,

And lonely,

I just stick out my chin,

And Grin,

And Say,


The sun dun come up

It’s Tomorrow!

So we gotta hope on

Til change

Come what may

It’s Tomorrow! It’s Tomorrow!

America, I love ya, It’s Tomorrow!

We always hope

A day

Was today!

I remember a lot of hope about this time last year, but I also knew any incoming President would be handed a steaming pile of incompetence. Being from the Left, I shuddered to think what Bush Administration might have accomplished had they follow traditional logistics in their ambitious missions. Or basic common sense.

We are lucky George W. Bush isn’t wickedly smart. Very lucky.

Remembering that the big scandal when Clinton left was that someone had stolen all the W keys, how more innocent those times now appear? Like when Bart Simpson was the center of the national attention in the late 80s, the great moral problem of our time.

How green those valleys were.

Like during the campaign season, when politicians would pour the possibility of universal healthcare down our ears. I always thought public option would be the booby prize. The Congress of our country cannot allow the insurance trust act as the company store for healthcare anymore. That is exactly what it has become, a monopolized national company store we are all subjected to, without an opt out.

That is one of the more comical issues that has not been address. If conservative Republicans want a free market, how can they deny entry by another market member, the government?

If their argument is that the government as an entity cannot be involved in a free market, then they are suggest that the corporate entity has more power than our sovereign government to participate in the marketplace.

If that be the case, healthcare reform is the least of our problems, but is the issue de jour.

It’s the hard-knock life for US

It’s the hard-knock life for US

Congress cares for you a smidge

When you’re an uninsured

And down

It’s the hard-knock life!

Least we forget, SCHIP was passed so America took one small step towards being a civilized country when it comes to access to healthcare. Someone finally thought of the children.

The reason Republicans never wanted SCHIP passed was because the parents would see the great care their children were getting and request the same.

Republicans are scared of government programs because they only know how incompetently Republicans can run them.

What Democrats failed to do was present the healthcare reform as liberation from the insurance company store and the peace of mind that universal healthcare can bring. But the Democrats started the dealing at the booby prize and it all went downhill from there.

When this was rolled out it should have been a new national program to grant access to healthcare to all citizens. Something with a snazzy new name like AmeriCare. It would have been an easy sale; it allowed access to any doctor anywhere when a citizen had any pressing medical need, and timely care for less urgent procedures. Like fake noses.

Any citizen feed up with their corporate capitalistic insurance company could give the citizens’ insurance reserve a whirl, as we slowly grandfathered and babied in all Americans. By expanding SCHIP up while lowering the age of Medicare down, you meet in the middle of AmeriCare and slowly ween the insurance trust off the tit of our collective wealth.

Overall, AmeriCare would offer the assurance that anyone could get help anywhere at anytime not based on insurance company’s bottom lines, but for the general welfare of the republic.

A father and mother would instantly have peace of mind that any ailments that might befall their children, access to the best medical care in the world would not be based on their ability to pay, but on the needs of their child. They would also know the same for their parents.

We would all have peace of mind that any family member or loved one, to far away for us to help them, any citizen would know no longer would the doctors’ hands be forced into idle while a corporate bureaucrat weighs the value of our lives on the abacuses of their bottom line and wild and obscene profits literally based on our blood and tears.

That must end, and every citizen should reserve the right to equal healthcare that our bountiful country can provide, even to go as far to put AmeriCare in as an amendment to our Constitution.

We would all have peace of mind that at anytime a medical need comes up we would all have access to the best doctors on Earth.

Peace of mind that is AmeriCare.

Democrats decided to go another direction.



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    • Diane G on December 16, 2009 at 02:44
  1. be an apostasy against the system of privatized profits and socialized losses.  Surely we know better by now than to demand any degree of reciprocity, like the abomination of government assistance = government rules.  And to point out the hypocrisy of demanding government entry into the marketplace when they’re failing while simultaneously demanding the government stay out of the marketplace when they’re not — pinche, how could you?  I’m shocked, sir.  Shocked.

    The Democrats, generally speaking, will not fight the Republicans the way they need to be fought to realize this well-and-good vision of yours.  The way Alan Grayson showed them how to fight.  Impugn (rightly) their patriotism.  Impugn (rightly) their basic morality of caring whether their fellow Americans live or die, if there’s a buck to be made.

    And to get any kind of constitutional measure on the ballot would require Democrats to get actually mean once in a while.

    • Xanthe on December 16, 2009 at 13:12

    the Village that if we don’t pass healthcare now, it’ll never happen.  First of all, we start with a negative which we will hear again and again by our masters of the media – not good.  We could do it if we had some people in Congress interested in more than keeping their jobs. Of course, it’s not nor will it be easy –  nothing worthwhile is easy. I’m sick of these themes we have to accept.

    I heard on one of the evening newscasts that we have to protect Obama (by passing this bill) if we want anything done in the future – it’s for our own good.  Gosh, I thought the bill was about Americans’ health, Americans’ lives.  Who knew?  

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