You can’t write about morality without someone taking it the wrong way. So here I go. Have fun.
The real problem with America is not politics, it is morality.
America tortures…..and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
America invades other countries, occupies them and kills innocent men, women and children….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
America is the richest country in the world, but people routinely starve to death in America….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
America is designed to foster ‘income inequality.’ And as America deteriorates, that has just kept increasing until there are literally two Americas, a happy and content rich America and a suffering and systematically oppressed poor America…and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
America and the American ‘lifestyle’ is destroying the planet…for all humans everywhere….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
Americans are willing to give up freedoms and rights it has taken 230 years and millions of lives lost to fight for. Freedoms and rights based on the moral principles of Equality, Justice and the freedom of the individual….because of a tiny tiny percentage of a chance that they could be killed by a guy blowing up his underwear.
And a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
America has a corrupt government, a government that works for all of those things instead of against them….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.
And so.
Though politics is the way we try to change these stark realities, and though there are many, many, many problems that could be solved (or at least mitigated or alleviated) politically…..politics cannot solve the underlying problem.
To emphasize and illustrate, I will reiterate one point….Americans are willing…either through having bad information, apathy, or an inability to comprehend and face the magnitude of the problem….or perhaps because they just don’t GET that killing the planet so they can continue their ‘lifestyle’ is immoral….
Are willing to allow the planet to be destroyed to the point where billions are likely to die. Including their own children and grandchildren.
That is just reality. Though if course you can spin that reality in a million ways. But spin won’t change the reality…and it won’t save the planet.
America’s morality is broken.
And politics alone won’t fix it. At best it can stop some of the worst effects of America’s broken morality. As we watch the political battles being fought in Congress, in the media, and on the blogs, we see this broken morality in action.
It’s latest illustration occurred with a visitor to our humble blog who was part of a group that was/is willing to sacrifice their own standards and accepted ‘political ethics’ in order to … But when asked what they were trying to win….they were unable to answer. When asked what they were trying to accomplish…they were unable to answer. When asked what the consequences of their political actions were….they were unable to answer.
The only thing that mattered was winning “The Game.”
No thought, no acceptance of responsibility, no consideration of consequence….no morality. All that mattered was winning. Was beating someone else.
Even though they had no idea what they were trying to “win”…or why. All that mattered was winning.
And that is what American morality has degenerated to. All that matters is defeating and destroying things….and people….and so ultimately, the Planet.
What we are trying to do….in my opinion….is to stop as much of this destruction as possible.
Let’s keep that in mind as WE fight the battles that need to be fought. And not become what we are fighting.