January 2010 archive

Howard Dean: “People who blame others are losers”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Before the circular firing squad slash blame game begins, let’s get this straight right the fuck now.

    Former DNC Chair Howard Dean told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC moments ago that Democrats aren’t necessarily to blame for what seems like a likely loss in today’s special senate election in Massachusetts.

    “I certainly don’t think it’s a referendum on President Obama,” Dean said.


    “This is not the time for pointing the blame.”

    People who blame others are losers. If you want to win elections, you stop blaming and get to work.


    So let’s get this straight, Coakley lost, she lost for reasons all of her own. I am not really interested in the blame game. I am interested in learning from this experience so that Progressives don’t make the same mistakes the next time.

    Anyone who is interested in winning elections is more than welcome to join me below the fold.

Martin Luther King in Burn-My-Hand

A long time ago, way down south, there was a town called Burn-My-Hand. The mayor of the town was Ali Baba and although he could be mayor, which really isn’t that hard when you think about it, he couldn’t cook to save his life. Every time he went to cook something, he burnt his hand. That’s why they called the town Burn-My-Hand, Ali Baba.  

Duh and Double-Duh.

Well, it’s all over. The fat lady sang the aria, Coakley-the-patsy conceded and Dems lost Teddy’s seat to a Repuglican. Huh.

It’s bound to be gnarl after rehashed gnarl over at GOS for days, but I’ve hung out in Boston. I know Massachusetts. They love them some Kennedys, even Caroline could’a won this hands-down, they (with Rahm still calling shots, don’t bet he’s not still got his tentacles everywhere) ran the weakest they could find. And lost, as they intended to do all along.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I LIKE my government divided. It’s just that after GWB, we were fairly desperate. So we gave them 2/3 in the House. 60 in the Senate. And the White House. After a year, we see how non-effective that was. So yeah. I’m back to my usual ‘House Divided’ screenplay, where they’re so crippled by their partisan bullshit that they accomplish nothing at all. Because sometimes it’s better to have nothing at all than anybody’s ridiculous partisan agenda.

Wow. Just wow, since it’s so absolutely mind-boggling they could have lost Kennedy’s seat. I know that nothing in politics happens by accident, and I’m highly suspicious of coincidence across the board. What does this mean for November???!

Let the pearl-clutching begin!

Democrat Martha Coakley has conceded the Mass. election.

As much as the NY-23 special election, where the GOP should have held the seat, was as much about voters being angry at the GOP, the Mass. special election was about voters being angry at the Democratic Party.

As Gov. Howard Dean stated, the Democrats were elected on a promise of providing real change, and, they have failed in that promise.


AP Projects Brown. Coakley Concedes.

Well, what did you expect?  The best analysis I’ve read so far is from John Aravosis

Massachusetts, that kept Ted Kennedy in office for decades because he promised to provide affordable health care to every American, thinks President Obama is going too far by passing legislation that is, at best, half a loaf of what Kennedy had been proposing. Got that?

What other “far left” agenda could Bayh be talking about? Gay rights perhaps? First off, not much of an agenda in this White House, but in any case, we’re to believe that liberal views on social issues are ticking off a state that was the first in the country to have gay marriage? Seriously? How about abortion – Kennedy was pro-choice, never hurt him, and in any case, Obama is hardly God’s gift to choicers.

So it’s not health care reform or social issues, maybe it’s economic issues. Was it the Wall Street bailout? Not very liberal there. Maybe defense issues. Perhaps the mini-surge of additional troops in Afghanistan? Again, no liberal to be found.

So what exactly is Evan Bayh talking about when he says that our government has lurched too far to the left of Massachusetts? What part of President Obama’s agenda wasn’t Massachusetts familiar with when they voted for him over John McCain last November by double digits? And the irony is that Obama has never moved farther to the left in office than he promised on the campaign trail — he’s only moved to the right.

Caption This…

Double Dog Dare

Sweet Comic Relief

Haiti: US Profiting From Disaster With Conditional Aid?

As aid trickles into Haiti and news trickles out, and as the extent of the horror unfolding there following the earthquake becomes more widely known, decisions are already being made that will affect the kind of country surviving Haitians will live in that emerges from the disaster.

In this video from The Real News today independendent journalist Ansel Herz reports live from Port-Au-Prince on the role that the deployed US troops are playing, while author Peter Hallward weighs in on the role that the US has played in Haiti’s recent history and shares his concerns that post-earthquake Haiti will further cement the domination of the Haitian people by foreigners.

Real News Network – January 19, 2010

Transcript here

Haiti: Guns or food?

Presence of US troops provides both hope of relief, and fear of continuing legacy of US domination

Ansel Herz is an independent journalist and web designer originally from the United States but currently based in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. His personal website can be found at www.mediahacker.com.

Peter Hallward is a Professor of Modern European Philosophy at Middlesex University in England. In 2007 he published the acclaimed historical account of post-1990 Haitian politics, Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment. He is the editor of the journal Radical Philosophy and a contributing editor to Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities.

Kathy Kelly: Tough minds and tender hearts

By Kathy Kelly

January 19, 2010

I spent Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday in Washington, D.C. as part of the Witness Against Torture fast, which campaigns to end all forms of torture and has worked steadily for an end to indefinite detention of people imprisoned in Guantanamo, Bagram, and other secret sites where the U.S. has held and tortured prisoners.  We’re on day 9 of a twelve day fast to shut down Guantanmo, end torture, and build justice.

The community gathered for the fast has grown over the past week.  This means, however, that as more people sleep on the floor of St. Stephen’s church, there is a rising cacophony of snoring.  Our good friend, Fr. Bill Pickard, suggested trying to hear the snores as an orchestra, when I told him I’d slept fitfully last night.      

There is a young boy in Mir Ali, a town in North Waziristan, in Pakistan, who also lies awake at night, unable to sleep.  Israr Khan Dawar is 17 years old.  He told an AP reporter, on January 14th, that he and his family and friends had gotten used to the drones.  But now, at night, the sound grows louder and the drones are flying closer, so he and his family realize they could be a target.  He braces himself in fear of an attack.

We’re told that we will be more secure if the CIA continually attack the so-called lawless tribal areas and eliminates “the bad guys.”

In late May and early June of 2009, while visiting in Pakistan, a man from the village of Khaisor, also in North Waziristan, told us about his experience as a survivor of a drone attack.  Jane Mayer, writing in The New Yorker, mentioned that the people operating the drones and analyzing the surveillance intelligence have a word for people like him who managed to survive a blast and run away.  They are called “squirters.”  So, I suppose he would have been considered a squirter.  

This man, at some risk to himself, walked a long distance and took two buses to meet with us.  Because of travel restrictions, we would not have been allowed to visit him in North Waziristan. His village is so remote that there are no roads leading up to it.  Five hundred people live there.  Often, western media refers to his homeland as “the lawless tribal area.” One day, three strangers entered Khaisor and went to the home of vigil elders. For centuries, villagers have followed a code of hospitality, which demands that when strangers come to your door, you feed them and give them drink. It’s not as though you can point them toward a Motel 6 or a 7-11.  The strangers were welcomed into the home they approached and they left after having been served a meal.  They were long gone when, at 4:30 a.m. a U.S. drone, operated by the C.I.A., fired 2 Hellfire missiles into the home they had visited, killing 12 people, two of whom were village elders.  Children were dismembered and maimed.

Defining Debate Down – How Language Keeps Us Confined

Language plays a far greater role then just communication. It defines how we think. The reason you can’t remember when you were six months old is not because your brain wasn’t recording events. It’s because you had yet to develop the intellectual framework from which to retrieve the memories of those events.

That intellectual framework is known as representation – how we convert our perceptions of the the outside world into concepts and ideas in our minds. Language is the higher development of representation – when the big round thing becomes a “ball”.

Likewise, our representations of political observations not only affect our ability to communicate, but they affect how we make sense of those observations.

Afternoon Edition

Afternoon Edition is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 US troops pour into Haiti to ramp up quake aid

by Daphne Benoit and Beatriz Lecumberri, AFP

1 hr 4 mins ago

PORT-AU-PRINCE (AFP) – US troops led by Marines descended from helicopters onto the ruined Haitian capital Tuesday, as a week after a massive quake the US military ramped up a huge aid operation for desperate Haitians.

In a spectacular move, paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne division landed in at least four choppers to secure the ruined presidential palace, a once elegant white building now surrounded by a stinking, squalid refugee camp.

From the palace, a 100-strong squad of soldiers headed on foot to the city’s general hospital, swamped with injured after the catastrophic 7.0-magnitude quake seven days ago, which the Haitian government says killed at least 70,000.

The states of insolvency

  Insolvency is no longer just for California. The dreaded word “bankruptcy” is now being whispered in Chicago.

 While it appears unlikely or even impossible for a state to hide out from creditors in Bankruptcy Court, Illinois appears to meet classic definitions of insolvency: Its liabilities far exceed its assets, and it’s not generating enough cash to pay its bills. Private companies in similar circumstances often shut down or file for bankruptcy protection.

  “I would describe bankruptcy as the inability to pay one’s bills,” says Jim Nowlan, senior fellow at the University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public Affairs. “We’re close to de facto bankruptcy, if not de jure bankruptcy.”

 Suppliers in Illinois are not being paid (an average 92 day delay in payment), worker salaries are unreliable, and the University of Illinois may not be able to make payroll this spring.

A Question of Morality, A Cautionary Tale

You can’t write about morality without someone taking it the wrong way. So here I go. Have fun.

The real problem with America is not politics, it is morality.

America tortures…..and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

America invades other countries, occupies them and kills innocent men, women and children….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

America is the richest country in the world, but people routinely starve to death in America….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

America is designed to foster ‘income inequality.’ And as America deteriorates, that has just kept increasing until there are literally two Americas, a happy and content rich America and a suffering and systematically oppressed poor America…and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

America and the American ‘lifestyle’ is destroying the planet…for all humans everywhere….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

Americans are willing to give up freedoms and rights it has taken 230 years and millions of lives lost to fight for. Freedoms and rights based on the moral principles of Equality, Justice and the freedom of the individual….because of a tiny tiny percentage of a chance that they could be killed by a guy blowing up his underwear.

And a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

America has a corrupt government, a government that works for all of those things instead of against them….and a large enough plurality of Americans is ok with that.

And so.

Though politics is the way we try to change these stark realities, and though there are many, many, many problems that could be solved (or at least mitigated or alleviated) politically…..politics cannot solve the underlying problem.

To emphasize and illustrate, I will reiterate one point….Americans are willing…either through having bad information, apathy, or an inability to comprehend and face the magnitude of the problem….or perhaps because they just don’t GET that killing the planet so they can continue their ‘lifestyle’ is immoral….

Are willing to allow the planet to be destroyed to the point where billions are likely to die. Including their own children and grandchildren.

That is just reality. Though if course you can spin that reality in a million ways. But spin won’t change the reality…and it won’t save the planet.

America’s morality is broken.

And politics alone won’t fix it. At best it can stop some of the worst effects of America’s broken morality. As we watch the political battles being fought in Congress, in the media, and on the blogs, we see this broken morality in action.

It’s latest illustration occurred with a visitor to our humble blog who was part of a group that was/is willing to sacrifice their own standards and accepted ‘political ethics’ in order to …..win. But when asked what they were trying to win….they were unable to answer. When asked what they were trying to accomplish…they were unable to answer. When asked what the consequences of their political actions were….they were unable to answer.

The only thing that mattered was winning “The Game.”

No thought, no acceptance of responsibility, no consideration of consequence….no morality. All that mattered was winning. Was beating someone else.

Even though they had no idea what they were trying to “win”…or why. All that mattered was winning.

And that is what American morality has degenerated to. All that matters is defeating and destroying things….and people….and so ultimately, the Planet.

What we are trying to do….in my opinion….is to stop as much of this destruction as possible.

Let’s keep that in mind as WE fight the battles that need to be fought. And not become what we are fighting.

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