The People Speak

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

The People Speak…

The People Speak … continues…

The People Speak … conclusion…

More from Howard Zinn

about The People Speak

“Democracy is not a Spectator Sport.”

THE PEOPLE SPEAK [Video] gives voice to those who spoke up for social change throughout U.S. history, forging a nation from the bottom up with their insistence on equality and justice.

Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries and speeches of everyday Americans, THE PEOPLE SPEAK gives voice to those who spoke up for social change throughout U.S. history, forging a nation from the bottom up with their insistence on equality and justice.


THE PEOPLE SPEAK illustrates the relevance of these passionate historical moments to our society today and reminds us never to take liberty for granted.

More from Bill Moyers:

Citizen Protests  (perhaps happening in a neighborhood near you?)

The People Speak out, and will keep on Speaking …

Question is, Whether or not the “Powers that Be” care to Listen?

Or are they too busy to be bothered

by all our “petty annoyances”?

Or are they too fat and comfortable,

to really “feel our Pain”?

Are the “Powers that Be” TOO fundamentally entrenched,

to ever allow any substantial, real Change —

that actually might HELP Working (and Non-Working) People?



The People Speak out, and will keep on Speaking out …

Until those Powerful-Reps-that-be, those who WORK for US, by the way —

Until THEY bother to hear … what WE are saying.

1 comment

    • jamess on January 1, 2010 at 19:18

    It’s a wonderful thing!

    and the Life Force

    that weaves through History,

    however, it may be ignored, or suppressed.

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