Hatriot Party

Fine, I am a Hatriot, sign me up.

Edger says I post weird stuff without backing it up with links.  Yeah but most people don’t click on the links/won’t believe the links and true some links just go around in circles.  Being the child of a sociopath tells me 5% of the world population (those in charge) really suck and that 95% of the population, being oriented good, project their goodness onto the people who really suck affording said people who really suck to continue sucking.  

But there are others of my like mindedness and they too are watching for people and things which suck.


Bill Gates talks about vaccines to reduce population


If you are for global warming you are for eugenics

I also make it a practice to jump from one sucky thing to another totally unrelated sucky thing.  Well, because there are just soo many sucky things.

Let’s suspend a six year old for making a play gun with his fingers.


If you think guns are “icky” then you deserve to be in the FEMA camp.

Icelanders reject global parasite bailout(yeah I did paraphrase)


Mainstream media villifies 911 truthers


Anyway short of full ET alien disclosure nothing America can dish out is going to save us at this point.  When either the earth’s crust shifts 30 degrees and Maine lies on the equator or we all evolve into the 4th dimension with the sociopaths going into their own personal hell dimension(can I be in charge of that), we all die.

But I don’t believe death is the end.


  1. I spend way too much time on this shit and imminent death is just not entertainmentwise marketable.

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