Political Strategy in the Age of Mediocrity: The Four Positions

During the Bush Reign of Terror anyone with a conscience was Outside Fringe.

During the nebulosity of the last year, political positioning was also a bit nebulous.

Now that Obama has been declared a success by the Establishment however, new lines have been drawn. Their IS now a clear Democratic Establishment that like it or not…you ARE working within, or without. This is not a conscious drawing of lines by some entity, this is a function of human nature and human cognition. The human brain unconsciously makes these distinctions and there is not much anyone can do about it.

You are either Inside the Establishment….which is not bloody likely for anyone here.

Or an Inside Agitator.

Or an Outside Agitator.

Or Fringe.

In the simplest terms:

Inside Agitators take a position of agreeing with the general goals of the Establishment while agitating and pushing Left. They acknowledge that for The Party to succeed it is often necessary to not try to do the right thing because of political implications.

Outside Agitators do not make a pretense of adhering to Establishment goals and push Left. They only care if the party succeeds when the Party is doing the right thing. They acknowledge the existence of political implications. But do not view them as a priority.

Fringe disagrees with or doesn’t care about Establishment goals and yells its head off for doing the right thing no matter what the political implications.

It doesn’t matter what YOU think you are. You will be labeled with one of these positions depending on what you write and what you push for. Labeled by the Establishment and labeled by anyone not as far Left as you.

All of these positions are needed, all can be effective. But by recognizing how your work is labeled you have the option of adjusting your work and your rhetoric to clearly fall within a category, and thus exploit the strengths and weaknesses of that category to be the most effective advocate you can be. You may even choose to adjust your rhetoric and position so far as to change categories, for increased political effectiveness. Though I recommend against that. That threatens to take you into the realm of phoniness. And authenticity is one of the most effective tools of advocacy.

But the point, as always, is doing what works. What is most effective, by acknowledging how we are perceived, we can alter those perceptions, using minor adjustments, to make us more effective.

And always remember, politics is blood sport, so you better be able to defend whatever position you take.


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  1. Photobucket

  2. the fringier I become.

  3. and then theres this guy, challenging where those lines are drawn, or how we are defined:


    Lt Dan Choi

    • TMC on March 24, 2010 at 21:29

    but since the advent of Obama and his supporters, I’ve become an outside agitator. Which to me at this point, isn’t good.  

  4. called kook…..


    whack job….

    • dkmich on March 24, 2010 at 21:59

    I just don’t care about any of it anymore, and I have to say it is pretty nice.  Obama is Bill Clinton at best, and you can’t fight city hall unless they say it’s ok.  It is what it is, and the goal is to live a happy and prosperous life in spite of them.  Go over, under, around, and through them because what they don’t know won’t hurt them or me.

    dailykos is also history.  When I go there, I read the headlines and leave because I don’t see anybody or anything I want to read.  The place is so predictable, it is boring.

    Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are I am free at last!


    • banger on March 24, 2010 at 22:18

    I believe radical, moderate, centrist, conservative and reactionary forces are all useful in a society. We need balance. We see this in organisms. Too much order the organism can’t change or adapt. Too much chaos and the organisms loses integrity and can’t hold together. We are faced with a disease in our society that is not from any political group and this new rogue element that is neither interested in preserving society nor in changing society is in control; which means the culture is dying or will die in the next few years.

    We need to be thinking about what comes next. How do we prepare for the new emerging situation?  

    • Edger on March 24, 2010 at 22:22

    called “The Center of the Cyclone: Looking Into Inner Space”.

    …a pioneer researcher into the nature of consciousness using as his principal tools the isolation tank, dolphin communication and psychedelic drugs, sometimes in combination. He was a prominent member of the Californian counterculture of scientists, mystics and thinkers that arose in the late 1960s and early 70s. Albert Hofmann, Gregory Bateson, Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Werner Erhard, and Richard Feynman were all frequent visitors to his home.

    On the back cover he says: “Within the province of the mind, What I believe to be true is true or becomes true, within the limits to be found experientially or experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended.”

    In his introduction Lilly quotes G. Spencer Brown, from “The Laws of Form”:

    To arrive at the simplest truth, as Newton knew and practices, requires years of contemplation. Not activity. Not reasoning. Not calculating. Not busy behavior of any kind. Not reading. Not talking. Not making an effort. Not thinking. Simply bearing in mind what it is one needs to know. And yet those with the courage to treat this path to real discovery are not only offered practically no guidance on how to do so, they are actively discouraged and have to set about it in secret, pretending meanwhile to be diligently engaged in the frantic diversions and to conform with the deadening personal opinions that are continually being thrust upon them.

    In these circumstances, the discoveries that any person is able to undertake represent the places where, in the face of induced psychosis, he has, by his own faltering and unaided efforts, returned to sanity. Painfully, and even dangerously, maybe. But nonetheless returned, however furtively.

    Lilly also said in the book: “The Center of the Cyclone is the story of my personal search for meaning in life.”

    Page four of the book is interesting in itself:

    Don’t ask me what this has to do with anything here…  

  5. seen at site like dkos is that all of the four “left” groups you describe (Inside the Establishment, Inside Agitator, Outside Agitator, Fringe) spend most of their blogging time engaged in intergroup arguing/name calling. There is little coherent discussion across the great political right/left divide.

    And that single ridge line divide is artificial because of the two party system. With a multiparty system we could at least model the questions in terms of a 2-dimensional political philosophy as laid out, for example, by PoliticalCompass.org. Then alliances and disagreements could be made on a case by case basis, rather than the knee jerk right/left Hatfield vs the McCoy endless feud we have now.

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