Random Tech Updates For Everyday Users Of It

(Cross-posted from The Free Speech Zone)

In the hopes that someone here has kids or grand-kids, those rugrats either know about what i’m going to let you in on or it hasn’t hit their school/campus yet to the point they can’t socially exist without it.

Twitter will be a thing of the past soon as a new twitter-esque social network/microblogging service has emerged to a more mainstream prominence lately.

It’s called Tumblr

It’s been around for a couple of years but 2009 is when it started coming into it’s own.  Check it out and play around with it.

I made mine and it’s in the blogroll as “American Pirate”.  It’s a more personal touch if you actually give a shit about what shennanigans i’m getting into next.  I say that only because today is a day of “student activities” in NYC being run by SDS (tee hee!) so stay tuned….

But, mark my words, 2010 is gonna be a big year for Tumblr.  

Think Iran’s Twitter Revolt was impressive?  Imagine if they had unlimited characters to text, ability to post photos and video on the fly, and even “geotag” where it was happening for those keeping an eye on developments…..or, I dunno, Human Rights groups needing evidence to collect about abuses….ahhh technology 🙂

This next one is great for anybody with an iPhone 3G who laughed at getting a iPhone 3GS just because it had video recording and editing abilities.

Now, prepare to laugh really fucking hard.

Ladies and Gentleman, may I present the iVideo Camera Application!

$0.99 app that turns your 3G phone into a 3GS.

Sure you can’t edit the video on your phone like ya can on the 3GS, but who the fuck needs that when you can upload it and edit it on your computer later?!

The best part about this new revelation was the fact that I had an argument with a friend when it first came out who went out to get the iPhone 3GS because of the video feature.  

It involved me saying that you’re able to do the same thing (capture video) with the 3G model and there will be an app for it in the future to make it into a video capturing device.  He said that the “hardware” was different and it would be “impossible” for that to be done.

Now the “best part” of this I was getting at.  

I sent him a “HA HA DOUCHEBAG!” video I made on my phone with the application and read off a list of things he could of bought with the money he went out and spent on the 3GS purely for its video function.




  1. or else i’m gonna make it 😛

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