
(11 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

You see what’s coming, but you won’t admit it to yourselves.

In this essay, I am going to talk about things.  Things I wouldn’t dare to admit, even on Docudharma.  Except, I guess, tonight.

We have just seen the defeat of forces that would have otherwise saved countless millions of lives, all lives in this country, on the precept in my view that some lives would be saved, but not all lives could be saved, because the ego of certain people might get in the way.  People like Lieberman.  People like Stupak, who believe it is more important to sacrifice lives on the principle of their oppressive mandate to demean and control, in this case, women — but it could have been anyone else.  In other words, doing little on the basis that little is better than nothing.

But you forget the why nothing part.  Let me say first that I don’t agree and don’t believe.  All the lives could have been saved, but we chose not to, on the basis of a calculation based on political ego and miscalculation as to potential strength and resolve.

But I am not here to talk about that.  You see, I don’t agree and don’t believe that any lives will be saved.  I don’t think a single life will be saved on the basis of Health Insurance Bailout/ Reform, that could not otherwise have been saved by that person making the decision or decisions that the government is now going to force upon them.

If they save themselves, by buying junk insurance, for example, by government mandate, and by miracle of miracles, the insurance companies honor their contract, fulfill the mandate, and give those people, who believe even less than I do, a lease on life, it won’t be because you forced them to.  That will be because you changed the PATTERN, you forced people to do what they would not otherwise do .. but it will not be you “saving” anyone.  They will, then, have saved themselves, but not have saved the future.  The pattern is set.

You, Democrats, succeeded.  You will make young, healthy people buy insurance.. you will make them pay money to crooks, who may, if you cross your fingers and wish real hard, save them if they have to be saved.

This, then, is the pattern.  The pattern of things to come.

What amazes me is how little people understand themselves.  They don’t understand, and yet, at some level, they see.  They see without even knowing they see.

Cultural memes point the way to the future.  I have long believed that people can see.  

You can see, but you choose not to.  But, unconsciously, you cannot help yourselves.

I have seen too much.  I am an atheist, but I have been clairvoyant.  I could tell you stories, that you might not believe, but that are important to me.

I can tell you how I knew, at the age of 6 or so, that the earthquake in Los Angeles would happen, a day in advance — I knew I would not be going to school the following day.  I have guessed, correctly, things as minor as what might be served for lunch in the cafeteria, and not by accident.  I have guessed, correctly, sequences of names of people, that I could not possibly have known.  I have guessed, correctly, the financial fall, though I was not correct about that.  I was ahead of schedule.  I thought it was going to be sooner.  I was wrong, by a year.  That much I could even prove.  I knew it would happen.  And I was right.

I was correct.  But I am not asking you to adjudicate my correctness, or even believe me.  Now, a bigger fall is coming.

You can see it for yourselves.  You have but to look, look around you.  But look, first, at your own culture.  The culture is filled with memes that I can see but you might ascribe to, uh, whatever.  You have many explanations.  I do not blame you for these.

You can see, as I can see, the end of our civilization approaching quickly.  My theory is that it is about this.  This type of thing.  Throwing lives away for minor and ego driven purposes.  It does not take clairvoyance.  It does not take special abilities.  It takes only that you should open yourself and see what is around you.  To, in effect, extrapolate.

This, then, will be the pattern of your deaths.

And you predicted it.  Not me.

The culture, at present, is filled with themes of final downfall.

And it is because of people who want to save some people at the cost of others, or, worse, to save some people and condemn others, because it is the pragmatic thing to do, or because some ego driven hissy fit comes between you or others and the people to be condemned.

I do not and never would invoke “God’s judgement”.  Remember, I am an atheist.  But it might as well be the same thing.  A self interested and uncaring people routinely consign themselves, and all their cohorts, to their deaths, if not themselves, then the death of their civilizations.

And this could be about anything.  It could be about health care.  It could be about Wall Street.  It could, most especially, be about global warming and environmental destruction.  What is a constant in all these things is the lack of political will and rank cynicism on the part of people who should be demanding or caring about something better.

And you predict it.  You are predicting it.  You have movies, TV series, novella, shows, that all point the way to the future, in their imperfect way.  You have Survivors, Survivor, Survivorman, Man in the Wild, Life After People, 2012, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica.

Is this the corporate media selling us themes of loss and despair and survival in an uncivilized reality?  I don’t think so.  You see, people have to enjoy what they are being fed, and are listening to, on a daily basis, or it doesn’t sell.

One thing intrigues me, and that is the dearth of people who want to talk about what to do after the fall.

If you were a person sitting on the edge of the Dark Ages, would you truly know what was about to happen?  Or would you deny?  Would you realize there was absolutely nothing you could do to stop it, but still, in your heart of hearts, as I do, say no, no, no?  What would you do then?


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  1. Hear me now, believe me later.

    But don’t worry about me.  I will do what I must.

  2. as he picked up his hammer and saw.

    • Edger on March 22, 2010 at 19:34

    • banger on March 22, 2010 at 22:05

    Predicting things is very weird (remember “weird” originally meant something like “fate”). I’m not an atheist. My own experience is that something very much deeper than what I can comprehend exists — don’t know what it is. Like the anonymous monk wrore we can only approach through a “cloud of unknowing”, in other words our normal thought processes won’t allow us to graps multi-dimensional realities.

    But we live in this reality and as such we have our reason to navigate with with assistance from messages from the ethers — very definately get that and more. I think the challenge we face is triage. We live in a deeply damaged culture. We need to establish some basis for this triage. What is most important? To me the most important political project we can pursue is to try to move people in the direction of using reason. Just that would be a good start because it sure as hell isn’t happening now. Every major issue we face is dominated by sheer ignorence and superstition. Everything! Not one thing that I read about is looked at from the POV of reason or pragmatism. Everything is spin and mind-control. When we get back our wits we can begin to move.

    Those of us on the left who can still reason (we are not many) need to make that our central tenet so that we can analyze what is going on. Yes, I believe we are facing a general collapse of the U.S.A. I don’t know if it will happen soon but it could and we should prepare ourselves. Dmitry Orlov has some good suggestions. I have this major suggestion: connect with your community — become known, become a part of something that might last. Bring your family together, where possible. Smaller towns and cities where people know each other are the best places to be. I hope we can discuss what to do after the collapse. It will happen in one way or the other — I agree with you. I’m hoping it will involve a little celebration. We are, collectively, far too grim for my tastes.

  3. My hour of the wolf of a few days ago burps up to the front page at 9:00 a.m., several days later.  Aieeeee.

    When ek was talking about random malicious promotion, he wasn’t kidding!  Thanks anyway ek!

    You HATE spunk!

  4. is in its adaptive vigor through its entire range of dynamic variation of environment…..

    we have lived in a window of opportunity that is now dissappearing……

    we have hit scale……

    and we do know it……

    u r correct in noticing us noticing……

    the sieve of evolution is upon us…..

    and it will not be our knowledge or our instrumentality…

    which determines our fate…….

  5. Does the typical, modern homo sapien see EVERTHING as external to him/her? Is psychological isolation now a “reality”? Has Descartes’ cogito won, everthing else

    a non thinking feeling it/them? Must we learn to reason to feel? I thought the Age of Reason and ideas of Idealism stemmed from the apprehension of suffering, and empathy?

    I see America as having a fragmented and shattered psyche, if I can be so anthropomorphic in describing her/it.

    When Paul Bunyon and Superman can’t get it up, things don’t look so good.

    So deeper and deeper America falls into dreams of revenge, thuggery and violence. “It can’t be so,” it/she says. Stagger and flail, stomp and whine, threaten and scream. They want America back, huh? Well, it wasn’t theirs to begin with. It is, and it has been.

    Ignorance wrapped in hubris isn’t going to cut it in the long run or the short run. Yes we need reason, but we need  compassion and empathy that has given man the chance to really be a homo sapien.

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