April 1, 2010 archive

Docudharma Times Thursday April 1

Thursday’s Headlines:

CIA given details of British Muslim students

Who Were the First April Fools?


Rushed From Haiti, Then Jailed for Lacking Visas

Administration seeks to change pay incentives at major firms


Saakashvili had no involvement in the Russian invasion hoax

Kitchens stand empty as young French lose their appetite for la cuisine

Middle East

‘Sorcerer’ faces imminent death in Saudi Arabia

Hezbollah denies responsibility for truck bomb blast that killed Hariri


How I became a target of China’s war in cyberspace

Pakistani general: Al Qaida-Taliban haven to be cleared by June


ICC to investigate Kenya election violence. Will leaders cooperate?

Latin America

18 gunmen die in attack on two army bases in Mexico

U.S. Navy frigate captures pirate mother ship

USS Nicholas takes 5 pirates prisoner after coming under fire, Navy says

Muse in the Morning

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Muse in the Morning

Solar Flare

(Click on image for larger view)


Late Night Karaoke

Open Thread

One-Term President

President Obama in January (2010):

“I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,” he told ABC’s “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview today.

He isn’t the only person talking about him being a one-term President. In fact, it can be argued that he never saw himself as more than a one-term President whose only job was to enact what Bush couldn’t and keep in place Bush policies.

A Generation of Roves

Students of politics who have lived through the last 40 years or so of American politics are achingly familiar with the lowest forms of political “discourse” and tactics. As practiced by Republicans.

Segretti, Atwater, Rove

Sunset Open Thread

I like sunsets. Do you?

Tonight’s was not an especially great sunset but I like to post sunsets. See five more below.

20 Years Later — Have the Exxon Lessons been Learned?

Don’t worry — Oil Spills? — We got it covered!

Covered with what? … maybe should be the next question.

Granted America needs the energy … but what sort of safety measures are in place?

When Murphy’s Law kicks in again — as it always does — will America’s Energy Corporations be ready, to mitigate the fallout?

Zen Wisdom

1.   Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow.   Do not walk beside me for the path is narrow. In fact, just piss off and leave me alone.  

2.   Sex is like air. It’s not that important unless you aren’t getting any.  

3.   No one is listening until you fart.  

4.   Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.  

5.   Never test the depth of the water with both feet.  

6.   If you think nobody cares whether you’re alive or dead, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.  

7.   Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.  

8.   If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.  

9.   Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

10. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably well worth it.  

Help me with a google maps project for activists

Hey everyone,

I had an idea the other day, and I’m going to put it together.  Basically, I’m creating a map of people all over the nation who are willing to donate something – their home, some food, some time, etc – to resistance to war, big business’ greed, and other injustices.  Google Maps makes this surprisingly easy, and although I’m not entirely sure how to do it, I’m sure I’ll figure it out as I go.

All I need now is names.  If you’re interested in being listed so that people can contact you if they need some help in your area, please email me at rossmlevin at gmail dot com.  What I need is:

Your name

What you’re willing to provide

Your contact info (email and phone are preferred, but whatever you want to put is OK)

Your zip code

I don’t want to get too specific, because we all know how snoopy the CIA is 😉

Seriously, though, if this comes together I think it could be a useful tool for activists all over the place.  Say you’re traveling to Philadelphia to help out the striking nurses at Temple University and you need a place to stay for a few days – you could check the map and see that, hey, rossl lives near Philadelphia.  Then you could call me up and see if it’s all right if you crash at my place for a few days while you’re helping these nurses.

In short, if this works out, it could potentially make organizing these things easier.  In a best case scenario, that would mean more action is taken.

Pony Party: les chanteuses

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