From Your Mother

Simulposted at Daily Kos

Brunch? Brunch?

Who needs brunch? No, you kids go on without me. I’ll be fine. I’ll just sit here in this cold dark universe huddled around my little sun while you go have a good time. Don’t worry about your poor old mother. Why start now?

And while your out make sure you spill a billion gallons of oil, make it ten billion! Blow the tops off of some mountains and clear cut a few hundred forests, I know how much you love that, and your poor old mother just wants you to be happy. No matter how much it hurts me.

So go ahead, I don’t even like eggs benedict, all that cholesterol! And mimosas give me the wind. If you want to finish fishing all the fish out of the sea and bring me some nice mercury laced, carbon smoked salmon that would be nice, as I sit here alone, in the dark. Maybe you could find some of them off of all those coral reefs you are destroying?

Go, go on without me if you don’t think you need your poor old mother. Drive your Hummers to brunch, what do I care? Destroy what’s left of my atmosphere…and make sure you laugh while you do it, you kids need to have fun. Even if it kills your poor old mother. Eat, laugh, destroy, think only of your selves! I’ll be fine!

(100,000 years after you are all in your graves, you ungrateful brats!)

What do you care how many billions of years I was in labor with you? Have YOU ever had your tectonic plates slip? I didn’t think so! Have YOU ever watched billions of your dinosaurs destroyed by an asteroid, only to have your kids drill them up and use them to destroy your atmosphere? Of course not!

Can you even imagine how much work it is to evolve a marsupial? Let alone a platypus? Do you know? Do you care???

So go, have your brunch, I will be fine. Don’t worry about me. I will just sit here in the dark and watch you destroy me.Piece. By. Piece.

Just know.

I love you anyway.


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    • Edger on May 9, 2010 at 22:21

    You’re also turning the sky into mud. I look down, I don’t believe the filth. Using rivers for toilets. Poisoning my fishes. You want a miracle? You make a fish from scratch! You can’t. You think only god can make a tree? Try coming up with a mackerel!

    And when the last one is gone that’ll be that. 86 on the fishes. Goodbye sky. So long world. Over. And. Out.

    I thought you said we were going to make it!

    I said you’ve gotta make it work.

    You don’t care!

    I do care.

    Well then, do something about it!

    I did. I got you to carry the ball.

    • RiaD on May 9, 2010 at 22:21

    simply brilliant!

    hugs buhdy


  2. you WHA A A T ?! ? !?

    just you wait til… your Father gets home!!


    • TMC on May 9, 2010 at 22:43
  3. thanks, I haven’t been guilt tripped like that since mom passed, in ’04.

    • Edger on May 9, 2010 at 22:50

    meets mom…

  4. You know, mom, if you let those little brats go on for much longer, they will be inventing talking platyputi and cetacean marsupials and walking shrimps and thundering ornithoids and all manner of creatures unto like you never saw or imagined, and you will have to take all these second generation children to your bosom as well, being damn troublemakers in and of themselves.  You’ll have not just one child troublemaker, but grandchildren troublemakers.

    Maybe it’s best that they learn their lesson, you know, soon, so that they don’t do this.  Your primate children are fond of insane instrumentality, and if you let them, they will change your very orbit itself to suit their desires.

  5. 1. Pachamama, Santa Madre Tierra, thank you, thank you, thank you for being a great mother.  A lovely Mothers’ Day to you, even though we, your children, seem to be messing up.  Perpetually.  I just want to tell you that I love you.

    2.  I just drove past a BP gas station in Pittsfield, Mass.  It didn’t have a picket line in front of it.  Not even one person carrying a sign.  I know it’s mothers’ day, but I think we need to think seriously about getting out there and saying not one dime to bp,  bp needs to clean up the gulf mess it made.

    • asqv on May 10, 2010 at 01:27


    This is why we can’t have nice things

  6. …Will you please learn to respect your mother and treat her right before it’s too late?  

    On the other hand, if not, as Isaac Asimov said,

    If ever a species deserved to be replaced, we do!

    Thanks buhdy for this piece…

  7. from the demonic possetion/influences of Satanic minions at the behest of my sociomom has come about as the result of feeding her dis-info about what the family is doing.

    So, no, at this point of my unemployed Bilderberg induced financially destroyed life no.  I am free to burn plastic in the fire to keep warm never giving a concern to billionare assholes who want myself dead just so they can masturbate at another G20 conference.

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