“There are only four questions of value in life. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made of? What is worth living for? What is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.”
my Dad used to take me to a coffee house in the Village. I learned to play backgammon and a mean game of checkers for a 5 year old. One of the very nice people who played with me was Jack Kerouac one of my Dad’s drinking buddies. Of course I didn’t know who he was other that “Uncle Jack” who always made sure I had a snack and juice. I found out much later who he was as I was going through my Dad’s books that he had left me that Mom hadn’t destroyed. One is “On the Road” and the other is “Dharma Bums”. I pulled them out after reading this, and looked inside the first pages. They are signed by “Uncle” Jack.
My Dad had a fascination with Buddhism. I understand it now.
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I passed a couple of guys on the corner this morning who were offering Nirvana, and maybe even Ecstasy too, to anyone with a few bucks.
…next to Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me.
my Dad used to take me to a coffee house in the Village. I learned to play backgammon and a mean game of checkers for a 5 year old. One of the very nice people who played with me was Jack Kerouac one of my Dad’s drinking buddies. Of course I didn’t know who he was other that “Uncle Jack” who always made sure I had a snack and juice. I found out much later who he was as I was going through my Dad’s books that he had left me that Mom hadn’t destroyed. One is “On the Road” and the other is “Dharma Bums”. I pulled them out after reading this, and looked inside the first pages. They are signed by “Uncle” Jack.
My Dad had a fascination with Buddhism. I understand it now.
Thanks, NPK, I forgot all about that book.