You Fags!

Honestly I can’t understand the resistance to gay people living their lives how they see fit.  I would hope that none of us can.  But what you and I understand that most people in this nation apparently don’t is that it doesn’t fucking matter what your neighbor does unless he is doing it to you…..

I have had it up to fucking here…(here is my neckline) with people telling me that I should be afraid of the gays.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I am and should be more afraid of whoever tells me this. In what god damn world does homosexual activity between consenting adults constitute a threat to me?

Sorry Conservative Christians…I have to blame you for this one.  It was you who decided that love between two people of the same sex was VERBOTEN.  I don’t mean to offend….actually yes I fucking do because you deserve it.  Please spare me the shop worn “But all Christians aren’t like that…blah blah blah…” I know you are not all like that…But your leadership is…and that reflects upon YOU.

What you believe in harms the lives of others.  Do you fucking understand this?  Does your belief system ruin the lives of people who want nothing more than to be happy? YES IT DOES!

So then you should naturally think to yourself…”Why should I persist in continuity of an ideal that harms other people?”

But you never will…so I must tell you this…

Gay people are not going to turn your son or daughter gay…

If they like homosexual sex it will happen regardless of what the fuck you do to try to stop it.

People like sex.  I know this is hard for some of you to grasp but between adults SEX HAPPENS.

Forcing people out of a loving relationship is kinda fucked up don’t you think?


So even when we get this BS “compromise” on DADT.. I would ask the toughest..manliest soldier in the army if in the thick of a firefight he would object to the “fag” in the trench next to him having sex with other men….Because that is the time to ask.  Not when everyone is all comfortable in their armchairs…

It is in the thick of battle that I want to see homophobes stand behind their “beliefs”.


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  1. claim to cherish family and community ….

    And then go out of their way to destroy our families and our communities.

    Well?  Do they believe in family and community or don’t they?  They don’t have the power to dictate whose families and whose communities are going to form and exist.

    It’s like that example with the Catholic school kicking out the son of two lesbian parents.  So, they want to reject that child because, through no fault of his own, he happens to have two mommies.

    Are you fucking kidding me?  There is no moral, godly, pious explanation for punishing a child because of a hostile attitude about the child’s parents.  They say it’s because their teachings would “confuse” the child.  But this is obviously and patently a lie.  They just don’t want that child there, because they are engaged in the business of pure and simple ostracism.

    We know and they know they can’t tell other people how to live, DORS.  They know it.  So instead of dictating which families can exist and how they are composed — which they wish they could do but can’t — they try to destroy those that are there out of spite.

    And that’s what this is all about.  Simple, basic human spite, no matter how much they try to dress it up in principle and religiousity and piousness.  It looks like spite.  It smells like spite.  It is what they want to do already, like spite.  Therefore it is indistinguishable from spite.

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