GPS means Go Pound Sand

So, I have fried several things in attempting to recover a laptop.  The software to recover a one touch 4 mini leads on a merry chase of internet search engine to internet search engine plus several you gotta pay for and their irrelevant solution of searching your machine for drivers unrelated to the real problem.  Containment appears to the the only solution and biting that bullet of loosing everything.  Horse and family pictures, the tax stuff, the Illuminati book.  Do I really want to buy another one and repeat the entire process all over again.

Want service and problem resolution?  Dial 800-Go Pound Sand!

Well there is the Dell Inspiron with it’s nifty built in “biometric fingerjprint scanner”, lovely, you Seig Heil piece of shit.

If I should not want this “feature”

Go Pound Sand says the computing industry.

Also comes with a built in “webcam”  I shall instantly cover with black electrical tape.  Yes, GPS again.  Recall that school webcam controversy?

Reflecting on how computing, since the early days of DOS and even before with my very first CPM based clunker systems or the TI-99, has the computer positively affected, enhanced, made better my life, the lives of my family and or those in the community.  That would be a big no.

In my entire career of high tech junk I have to estimate filling up an entire tractor trailer’s worth computing accessories in the saga of PC evolutions, all junk now.   Lost in the obscure world of “secure” whatever with that overlying theme of your shit is toast when the next OS, format change,Pentagon virus comes along.

Cass Sunstein wants you to know the official government position on how they intend to enforce world domination don’t you know.

Don’t like that statement?

Go Pound Sand