( – promoted by buhdydharma )
It’s an argument that might just catch on one day.
Saving our own Economy is more vital to our own National Security than robbing someone else’s (overseas) of theirs.
It is important that we all redefine the words “National Security“. For, in truth, it has no relationship to transfering our Tax dollars overseas in order to spread a Worldwide Military Empire, or funneling our hard earned money to the IMF to hand over to Foreign Banks and Foreign Governments, or funding corrupt “puppet” Governments, etc. — and it has everything to do with Economic survival within our borders, the protection of the Environment, and maintaining the basic Liberties that our Country was founded on here at home.
Can we support the important efforts of these guys?
I wonder who can get through to Obama on this issue, and move him away from his stubborn and foolish Dick Cheney mindset. Certaintly not the cast of Neocon characters that he has surrounding him today as his trusted “advisors” (Robert Gates, Petraeus, Brzezinski, Holbrooke, Jones, Emanual, HClinton, Anthony Lake, Rice, etc.).
“Yes We Can…Stay the course…on my watch.”–President Barack Obama
–President George Washington
We’d all be so much more secure with no Foreign Occupations, no Foreign Military Invasions, no Human Torture Camps, and no subservience to alleged “allies”.