(11AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

What’s Your Favorite…. Recharge?
where you go away for several days to
regroup, relax, reinvigorate…
i mean daily. or every couple days.
throughout the week….
to get through gangrene hour… & beyond!
where do you find your Zen
how do you get your Jedi Powers back?
(& what’s for supper?)
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and listen to the nightly symphony….
Music or ???!!!???
Someone had to say it, and as the designated smart ass, I did.
listening to radio in the car with my daughter, this song comes on…. beautiful.
had to ask kid who is this!?!?! and was stunned to hear the answer.
Who knew?
I watch the space station fly over.
Perseid meteor shower coming up on the 12th too. That will be well worth getting out to a dark sky area. Fortunately that takes me all of five minutes; one of the great benefits of living in the sticks.
I usually like inspiring music that relates to the current state of mind I am in….
(this is my life, the last few days, LOL) … this is more general (world outlook) …
But I kinda’ like to take my coffee outside* in the a.m. and just sit and look at the trees, the sky, listen to the birds (and now, the little cheep, cheeps, you know) and just take it all in. Those are my FIRST thoughts, then my thoughts turn to those who are breathing putrid air, maybe, not hearing all the familiar sounds of so many birds and “musical” sounds and a life familiar to them and it hurts to think of “them.”
*I was always kinda’ like this. When I was young, I would get up early, run outside, minus coffee, to my favorite oak tree, which bordered the creek bank of a creek running beyond our backyard and others. This great tree had a “nook” in it, so I could sit comfortably in it and look at the creek, see an occasional fish jumping, listen to the birds, see the trees that graced and arched the creek — it was heaven for me!
Of course, this is without mentioning that there was a huge grape vine that we would swing on, from one side of the creek to the other, about 50′ or more — excitement. And then, there was the raft that we kids built (outta’ whatever wood we could find) just about every summer — hard to explain, but it took time to get it down the creek bank and into the water without destroying it, which was one hell of a task, and then, once upon it, it sank, from one end or the other — never failed and, we never perfected the problem, either.
BTW, there’ve been a lotta’ fireflies out this summer — same by you?
I listen to music. Artist/genre/whatever totally dependent on circumstances-but that’s what does it for me.
The occasional cardboard coffee or chocolate bar might help too. Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since a bike ride does the same thing.
My fav recharge is

On bad days it is

I do love a dip in the pool and I’m a confirmed napper. I love chocolate and eating out (aka, HowIGotFat 101). I read, blog, etc. Rarely – very rarely – I saddle up one of the horses and ride a bit.
But ya know? I don’t do anything at all to recharge. Maybe that’s why I’m tired all the time. I need to find something that will work as an occasional pick-me-up.
…like a little hair of the weed.
Wish I had some.
Watch the moon at night, apply for the jobs that I can do, accept what is real, repeatedly view all the Sarah McLachlan, Jim Croce, Harry Chapin videos I can find (h/t to those who illuminated some of these)…
Call me a sap, but I’m in a pattern of watching Jonathan Livingston Seagull once a day as well.
Dream of working in the mountains. Have shovel, will travel.
there are a few good beaches to sit at the edge and collect some negative ions. For the past month or more Ive been stuck at home, with crutches and a cast after destroying an achilles tendon. I’ve never had so much forced R&R. Reading, movies, tv, I’m trying to figure out how to bead with my foot up in the air. Creating recharges me. So for all the downtime, I’m feeling a bit frustrated. The kindness of others has been a real inspiration though. Because I had to be replaced at work. I am wondering what’s next when I’m able to work again!
the night. If man can create this sound – there must be that divine spark I read about.
And poetry.
And deep breathing – it works.
When all else fails, wine!
a beautiful sunset at day’s end…
can be a profound experience…
Remember “Heatwave” by Martha & the Vandellas from 1963?
This incredible cover version by the U. K. group The Floe takes this song in a completely different direction. You have to hear this to believe it!