
The Generator (in truth just a vastly oversize rubber band) roared to life, the Drive Shaft snapped into place, there was a moment of immensely strained silence as the tension built and built…..and then finally, with what could be characterized as a sound like a lugubrious mechanical sigh….the Galaxy ratcheted forward one notch with a discernible Click.

The entire gigantic disk now was at the same time completely new and just as it had always been. The generator giggled at the Paradox and then remembered it was a Generator and that Generators weren’t supposed to giggle and it stopped.

As the small shockwave and its accompanying vibration made its way both from and to the center of the Galaxy it passed over and through absolutely everything in the Galaxy, and then continued out and in on to the rest of the universe.

The vibration hummed, sang, and roared glorious hosannas as it sped through the “empty” vacuum of space. It slowed to a chant as it penetrated the denser bodies of the gas giants and patches of nebulous cosmic dusts. It stopped and rung and resonated with its existing counterpart in each and every star, and was reduced to a low and nearly undetectable hum as it met and penetrated the denser matter of the “lesser” planets and their rock and biomass, sneaking in to and changing while leaving undisturbed every single particle of matter, presenting it’s universal passport of isness wherever a challenge or obstacle occurred.


On the little planet called earth, where The Drama was currently playing out, a tiny handful (relatively) of people felt the shockwave of changed vibration as an earthquake within them. Some of them, as their nature and practice dictated, respectively went completely rigid or fell to the ground trembling in seizures. Others puffed their long clay pipes nonchalantly or had another sip of tea or gulp of whiskey.

The vast majority of people/biomass on the planet felt nothing, consciously. They were not even remotely aware that everything had just changed. Others, as the vibration coursed through their dense physical matter, in what might be called a reaction born out of Sympathetic Magic, or Vibrational Resonance….changed the channel on their teevees.  

(Lamar Smith, of Oakmont Tennessee, rushed to change his underwear, but as he did that 12 to 14 times a day anyway as a result of PTSD induced OCD, results were deemed inconclusive, though rest assured, a note was made.)

The Sages though, who felt and understood and had been expecting the Click, either got up off of the ground and dusted them selves off or put their tea and pipes aside and started making calibrations and adjustments as they received the Raw Data of the latest Click. The gamut of adjustment ran from smoothing the folds in their gown or opening their fans another centimeter or a slight adjustment to the direction their prayer rugs faced to advising residents of a nearby village to evacuate. Texts and tweets were sent, selling or buying vast quantities of stocks and bonds, or in one case, buying as much of the Canadian tundra as was immediately possible. Several bought large boats. One cut off the tip of his left pinkie finger. At least three napped harder.

Across the planet, and indeed across the galaxy, Lesser Sages, reacting (sometimes violently) to entire new segments of Mind and Consciousness that the Click had opened either sprang into action or deep meditation. Across the planet, a dozen people emerged blinking from the caves they had inhabited for years or decades and headed to the nearest McDonald’s, while hundreds of others similarly emerged from seclusion and headed to the nearest bar. The next day every single abandoned place of solitude was occupied by a new resident, some of whom had been “wandering” for years and “coincidentally” found their new ascetic habitation….right on time.

In perhaps the most dramatic, and least consciously observed, manifestation of the new Vibrational Reality, every new born baby under the age of two days burped simultaneously, and then smiled.

Everything had changed.

And yet nothing had changed.

Across the Universe, whole new sets of Phenomenon were set in motion, or emerged, occurred, began or ended.

Entire solar systems had disappeared in flashes of intense radiation, new quasars started blinking, black holes were created or collapsed at the center of the Galaxy, a perfect leaf fell perfectly in Wisconsin….each and every piece of matter in the universe was inexorably and permanently changed, regardless of the underlying fact that matter didn’t matter.

But the Process, of which the Click was an integral, expected, and completely necessary and inevitable component, remained exactingly and perfectly the same.

And (with a mindfully silent giggle) the rubber band began to tighten yet again.


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  1. Photobucket

    • Edger on August 23, 2010 at 02:29

  2. Never heard it described this way:

    The Generator (in truth just a vastly oversize rubber band) roared to life, the Drive Shaft snapped into place, there was a moment of immensely strained silence as the tension built and built…..and then finally, with what could be characterized as a sound like a lugubrious mechanical sigh….the Galaxy ratcheted forward one notch with a discernible Click.

    I really need to think about this!!!!

  3. “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward.”

    ~ Kurt Vonnegut

  4. Probably will hit ground when I do!

  5. I used to have trouble getting my old Ford started, too.  it wasn’t a Galaxy though, it was a Falcon.

  6. OK time for another 30 pack of crappy Budweiser.

  7. this is your way of sayin’ we need tax cuts, right?

    Or that awful mosque shouldn’t be built?

  8. …my 100th monkey got up off the couch and flew out the window, with a nod back at me saying, “I guess I’m not needed here anymore right now.”

  9. The 9 year old boy running in the field, released his little balsa wood plane, then chased after it, jumping up trying to touch it.

    He arrived a few seconds after the little plane landed, & immediately began spinning the propeller, winding up the rubber-band for the next flight.

    It was a gorgeous day.  

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