A Time to Speak:

(noon – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

This is a lesson for school children and teens brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Teaching Tolerance program. It frankly, in these days, needs to be learned by more adults it seems then children, though those same adults, parents, granparents and other relatives, friends, neighbors, strangers and talking heads of many media outlets are showing just wasn’t learned, nor wanted to be, when they were young!

A Speech by Charles Morgan

* Level:

* Grades 6 to 8

* Grades 9 to 12

* Subject:

* Social Studies

In this lesson, students will study Morgan’s speech to better understand the civil rights movement and the value of speaking out against injustice.

On Sunday, Sept. 15, 1963, four young girls-Addie Mae Collins (14), Denise McNair (11), Carole Robertson (14) and Cynthia Wesley (14)-were attending Sunday school at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. They died-and several others were injured-when a bomb blast ripped through the church. The bomb had been placed there by four Ku Klux Klan members. {visit for rest of information}

You will find this video at the site as well:

You will also find much more information as well as lesson plans and more.

If one is calling themselves, or sympathizing with, these so called ‘teabaggers’ and aren’t calling out those around you or those you watch or listen out for the racist remarks, posters, whatever, guess what, you’re no different then them! That goes for any so called political party they affiliate themselves with.

If you supported, or were with others who did, the recent damaging rhetoric on burning a religious groups Sacred book, especially using the umbrella of another religion you think espouses intolerance like that, then you are as much guilty of any destructive blowback that has or may result from these types of actions! Those who seek to minimize any reporting, suppressing the dangerous issue and not how it was being reported, are just as guilty!


    • jimstaro on September 14, 2010 at 22:58

    Vigil Photos, Articles and Videos

    The candlelight vigil on Friday was beautiful and heartwarming. We’re so grateful to everyone who volunteered, spoke, and recorded the event. We think you’ll enjoy these links: Visit for Backlinks to what’s mentioned

  1. Excellent photo slideshow, showing the many faces of New York, but each with the same concerned look.

    I had heard part of Ed Schultz’ radio show last Monday, Sept. 13th.  He kept saying, “How did things get this far?”  He was referring to the fact that Pastor Jones, a nobody and a “nut case” (with a congregation of some 40 people), with his threat to burn the Koran, had managed to get a call from General Petraeus, and then, Obama had a follow-up plea to this nut.  Schultz found it unbelievable that we could have reached such a point that our own President felt compelled to respond to a “nut case.”  Schultz knows why, as well as the rest of us.

    “Hatred” has been spewing from the right-wing for years now, with the “Tea Partiers” chiming in with their brand of “hatred,” all of which “hatred,” as expressed by them, has been continuously expressed by the media — so, “hatred” has become “a la mode” for a long time now.  And so the appearance of “nut cases” here and there, spewing even further outrageous “hatred” shouldn’t be all too amazing — “hatred” has been enabled on just about any level imaginable to such a degree that there is even response to it from a President.

    Apart from the prevalent evil spirit of all  this “hatred,” there is a by-product — diversion and distraction AWAY from where the MAIN focuses of this country need to be.  . . . . with global warming at our heels and staggering unemployment . . . . and the threat of an additional $700 billion in tax cuts to the richest . . . . and the threat of dismantling, “stealing” funds of Americans, who worked long and hard for their “pittance” at the end . . . . while drones continue their civilian tolls and . . . . !

    Thank you, jimstarro!

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