(11AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)
Heard any mention from this so called TEA party, those espousing, their spokespersons {cons,grifters,propagandist………}, their candidates, those reporting on them and their extremist idea’s and no policy idea’s, Demanding ‘Sacrifice’, Finally, by the people of this Country as to the Veterans of Wars they’ve created the past destructive decade, as well as the rest of us Veterans, as they claimed and still do ‘support’ for our troops, including veterans among them, Me Neither!
If those who still claim to be republican and carry the extreme conservatism mentality of the recent decades even just win congressional seats Veterans will see all that’s happened since the 110th Congress and Especially since the new leadership came into the Veterans Administration Stop Dead In It’s Tracks! Need Facts just visit the Veterans Administration or the archives of the Congressional Veterans Affairs Committee’s, the House Committee and the Senate Committee, since the 110th and go further in comparing those Public Congressional Records to just the 108th and 109th who rubber stamped these present wars of choice. You can go back even further and compare the records of who controlled Congress over the previous forty years, since we fought in and came home from Vietnam and even back to the Korean War and the Veterans of to see the ‘conservative’ ideology of taking care of those who serve and just how they ‘support’ the troops let alone the veterans already having served. The once real republican and even conservative’s of both political parties no longer exist, at least we could work with those, now it’s just extremism leading to the military not serving ‘the country and constitution’ but the ‘corporations’ of greed and power control, then to be thrown to the side once home, as the country creates more hatreds from others towards us!
Oct. 27 2010: In a Special Comment, Countdown’s Keith Olbermann explains why voting for the Tea Party will mean a step backward for America.