Hard Not To Call It Evil

Another one from the vault, back on Sun Mar 22, 2009

According to people who should know, The Ruling Class is using our money….draining our money, the money we use to survive and feed our children and to actual produce things, to rescue the very structure…that allows them to BE The Ruling Class. That enables them to Rule us.

These people, the Ruling Class, are the ones who got us into this financial armageddon. These are the same Ruling Class that took us to war in Iraq, after ignoring the warnings that an attack was coming.

They are the same people who made America into a nation that tortures people they KNOW to be innocent. They are the same people…if they even deserve the name…who are stopping any serious efforts to mitigate a Climate Crisis of incomprehensible scope.

They are the same people that so unprecedentedly had the Supreme Court decide Bush vs. Gore, so they could have Bush cut their taxes and deregulate the very same structures that we are now being called to give OUR money to prop up. Yes, the very same people who are directly responsible for everything that has gone wrong in our world, are the people who are now telling us….not asking us….telling us, that we have to bail them out. While as always, not telling us the whole story, not telling us what they are doing behind the scenes and behind our backs. They are though, telling us…..That we HAVE to clean up their shit, again, and suffer for their mistakes, just like we did in the last depression. The Ruling Class, they insist, is to big too fail. Even if that means that we have to.

These are the same people who let US drown in New Orleans.

And then threw corporate parties and killed Iraqis instead of rebuilding it.

These very same people, this Ruling Class, who have PROVEN themselves to be incompetent idiots again and again, these “elites” who have plunged the world into ruin and war and who threaten us with a dystopian future of rising oceans and droughts and famine now insist that they can fix it. With our money.

Using the same methods, mindset, and lack of brains, lack of compassion, lack of true comprehension of the consequences of their actions on others (as they remain untouched, well fed and warm) and, as is becoming exceedingly clear…the lack of any shred of moral integrity whatsoever.

They are taking our blood, sweat and tears to continue a system that ONLY benefits them.

What is depressing is that this money – staggering amounts of money – is being wasted when it could be used in ways that actually help the economy (hell, giving a $40,000 check to every living American would be a way smarter use of the same money).

What is so depressing is that the goal still seems to be to save banks when it should be to save the economy.

What is depressing is that people are again being steamrolled into “bailouts” – 5 years after being steamrolled into a war against mushroom clouds by essentially the same people – and the Serious People are still wrong, utterly wrong.

To them the economy IS a game, to us it is food in the mouths of our children. To them, war is a strategic struggle for tactical advantage in order to control and plunder valuable dwindling resources. To us it is our brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers …and again, our children being horrible maimed for life and killed. To them, torturing human beings, like us, that they KNOW ARE INNOCENT is less important than their fucking careers.

Most Guantanamo prisoners are innocent….

Former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former vice-president Dick Cheney fought efforts to address the situation, Wilkerson said, because “to have admitted this reality would have been a black mark on their leadership.”

No one need ask any longer….How far will they go?

If you will hold and torture people you KNOW to be innocent to avoid a “black mark”…

If you will invade a country and kill a million people for no discernible reason beyond potential oil profits…

If you will distort and propagandize and spin to LET the oceans rise and portions of the earth to become uninhabitable and create millions and millions of future Climate Refugees so you don’t have to give up your profits and luxurious lifestyle…

If you will DESTROY the world’s economy, the world’s ability to feed their children, for a little extra cash so you can have thousand dollar brunches, and try to make a quarterly balance sheet look good……

Well we now KNOW how far they will go.

We know now how selfish and soulless The Ruling Class is.

The only thing we don’t know is what to do about it.

Because, thank all that is holy and sacred……WE are not THEM.

We are not ruthless, compassionless, rapacious killers and torturers.

WE are Human Beings, dammit. Loving, caring, giving Human Beings.

And we just do not know to fight it….hell we don’t even want to admit it exists, let alone have to fight back against the sort of inhuman, immoral, and yes, perhaps even evil, people and the elaborate structures of finance, politics, privilege and media that support them.

And the ultimate irony, and perhaps the only form of TRUE justice that we may ever get is that these people, these ‘elites,’ this Ruling Class that has dehumanized US to the point where they feel no shame or guilt or remorse or urge to correction….are by these very acts giving up that claim, the claim to be Human Beings. They are, in the unfunniest irony ever, dehumanizing themselves. By renouncing through their repeated and unlamented actions any claim to Humanity itself.

But we don’t know how to fight back….because WE do NOT want to dehumanize THEM. Because WE know that that is wrong. Just plain wrong. A concept that they seem to have grown totally incapable of grasping.

Right and wrong no longer seem to exist for them. Only privilege and tactical advantage and how they can use the media they own to spin their latest fuck-up to blame someone else…..preferably us. Because we were stupid enough to buy their loans, and their wars, and their explanations. We are to blame, they want to say, for buying their bullshit.

Are we still that stupid….or are we learning?

Evil always destroys itself, wise men have said, by not being able to stop itself from taking more. And now they have taken too much. And yet still, they come to us and TELL us that we MUST give them more. Because the Ruling Class is Too Big Too Fail.

Well……….so are we.

They are rapidly reducing the equation to The Ruling Class versus the rest of Humanity.

What are we going to do about it?


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  1. nom nom nom nom nom!!!


  2. while we’re (not) on the topic

    Are you looking for someone to take this place over? Or re-thinking, and not sure yet ? Or just set on closing it? Is it basically economic, or what ?

    • RUKind on December 3, 2010 at 03:22

    The only thing we don’t know is what to do about it.

    The primary thing we don’t know is exactly who they are. We need names, addresses (multiple), companies, assets. We need to know how they organize. It would be nice to know where and when they organize.

    Our elected officials are low level water carriers. Chumps. Totally interchangeable, replaceable parts. Don’t waste any time focusing on them.

    Wall Street and the Greenwich crowd are just money gatherers for them. As is the IRS. They are not the problem, either. They are just wealth transfer mechanisms. They should be imprisoned, stripped of their assets and assigned bridges under which to live.

    We need a list of them. Otherwise, we’re just howling at the wind. Here’s my meager offer for a start: David Rockefeller (#1) and the Koch brothers. Can we add some names here? These people shun attention like the light of day. Good places to look are oil, gas and coal.

    The executives of these mega-corpses are the next in line to join the elite but they’re still just office managers. Look to the boards of these corporations. Let’s get a list together and then devise ways to make their lives pure hell.

    Maybe put sand or sugar in their G5 and G6 fuel tanks.

  3. This disgusting piece of protoplasm runs about the country tauting his book — and he’s nothing but a WAR CRIMINAL!


    Thanks, buhdy!  

  4. …and used “the Evil Empire,” I have found it hard to use this word.  But I refuse to let Bush rob me from this word any longer,  Ergo:

    Most Republicans and most of the Corporate Elite class ARE EVIL!  

  5. A year ago it was put at $1Trillion so $1.1 is about right for now .


    What would $1,100,000,000,000 buy?

    Well a basic new medium capacity school might cost $50 million.

    With that $1.1 Trillion we could have added 22,000 new schools in the USA.

    How about renewable energy?

    A wind turbine that would produce electricity for 330 homes costs $2 million, so with the expense of Iraq and Afghanistan we could have provided electricity for 181 Million homes.

    There might not be 181 million homes in the whole USA.

    This just shows the monetary waste, not the moral, psychic and humanitarian disaster that is the USA’s legacy there.

    • banger on December 3, 2010 at 19:27

    We have no one to blame other than ourselves–and I’m not even inclined to do that. As I’ve so often said, the problems with our political system is not politicians, is not the right, is not the oligarchs but, rather, it is the left who has failed to build an institutional structure like unions, coops, collectives etc., and thereby form communities of common interest who could act. For example, I’ll venture to say there are professions that are dominated by left-leaning people who could call a one-day strike to put pressure on the elites to at least consider our issues. If we want political power we have to marshall forces, it’s that simple. No force, no power.

    I see no movement on the left that is going in that direction. Everyone, despite the rhetoric, wants their IRA their mortgages, their credit cards, their little toys and elegant services and so on and so on. Let’s just look it the mirror shall we? Are we willing to give up our little luxuries and privileges and risk our lives for an enterprise of humanizing our political/cultural situation or aren’t we? I say we’re nowhere near that and we need to do a lot of soul-searching before we get to that point.

    Personally, I’m resigned to our neo-feudal future and I’m watching out for me and my family because I have no comrades that’ll watch my back–very sad. I warned my fellow radicals of that in 1968 after which everything fell apart while our European brothers and sisters made extarordinary efforts in the 70s, my friends went to fucking grad school and bought houses–how revolutionary is that. We knew the situation then and it hasn’t changed only gotten worse. We made, mainly, the right analysis we just lacked the balls to pull it out. Part of that is because we took too many drugs–the European left was not so hung up on king-cocaine–they saw it as a plaything for the rich.

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