Global Resistance

Join the global resistance.…

Obama lauches takeover of media.  Please do!  Might wake up more sheeple.  It’s almost like winning the Peace Prize all over again.…

Light bulb ban, stock up on 100 watt first.  Put a Chinese slave laborer out of work and reduce your toxin levels to boot.…

Are the Feds Crimes too large to comprehend.…

Now a personal note.

My wife is fed up with the corporate insanity at the nursing home.  Years of it.  Forced binding arbitration agreements, forced compliance to insane policies including searches,searches of cars and “acting against the interest of “the center”, residents of “the center”, vendors of “the center” and all sorts of other legalese.  Now in order for my wife to even remotely attempt to comply with the corpo-fascist policy that actually morphs daily you might think “the center” would provide my wife with an actual written copy of such an important document?  Nah, it’s on the computer system the wife does not have a password for.

No cost of living raises for three years but nifty super spy cam security cameras, thumprint readers to get into “the center”, but it gets better.

The firing of three CNAs based upon the allegations of a brand new 18 year old employee who openly admitted to stopping her psych meds.   All in all not an employee friendly place even if it is/was considered a premier rehabilitation/nursing home.  My wife has left several of these places based upon the increasingly piss poor corporate business models over the years.

They want Dad in a nursing home permanent.  My second daughter is talking divorce and she is due in April and my first daughter just freaked out at the really intrusive questionaire from the school psychologist about my grandson getting special needs evaluated.  The real deal?  My grandson has never been in day care.  He is four and having never been in day care he is “not like”/does not fit the norm, the mold which might every other “average” kid.