A local health care management team needs to get sued out of existence. Their routine practice of firing people based upon Kafkaesque witch hunts has now taken on the pre-emptive policy of prohibiting employees for mentioning their workplace on internet social sites, blogs. Well if you didn’t treat people like shit and or stuck to rational policy, applied it policy equally ceased targeing longer term employees for termination (see witch hunts above) just so you can new hire at lower hourly rates on top of being such corporate fascist fucks then my wife might not be seeking employment elsewhere.
She was told she has to work days to get medical insurance?
A heartbeat away from outright naming and completely documenting this piece of.
Mandatory Asshachusetts mandatory junk insurance that is. 47 different levels of shit plans to sort through as you jump from one to another. Yeah, I used to not even think of the prospect of having five different insurances in a single year.