Asshole experts: Matt Ridley/Ray Kurzweil edition.

Ray Kurzweil believes the “singularity,” his vision of man/machine cyborg, “the borg,” is imminent.  This douche-nozzle bases his predictions on recent evolution, the exponential increase in human knowledge since the age of oil.  You tell me what’s wrong with that argument.  To call him a “douchebag” insults douchebags.  

The same, the exact same, is true of Matt Ridley.  How I hate these douchebags.

I really hate them.

If I could choke them out, I would.  Stupid, lying-ass bastards, and dumb mother fuckers to boot, despite their degrees.

Please pardon my realism.  I would gladly choke them.


  1. I am done.

  2. the implanted microchips of behavior modification, the super big pharma meds for ageless living(hey do I really wanna live forever amongst the stupids?) the sun cycle just might take out the power grid bringing us right back to post modern feudalism.  And if that is not enough I have sources saying “we” have had more advanced “civilizations” than we have today but we destroyed ourselves, why?  Basically because we actually suck.

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