America: “Life is no longer worth living with David Brooks.”

Today, in a sad, yet courageous affirmation of “life worth living,” America announced that it no longer wished to extend its marginal existence under the cursed journalistic blight of David Brooks, whose most recent unspeakable transgression against human decency, a remorseless and uncontrollable intrusion of his recurring parricidal fantasies masquerading as ethical pragmatism, manifested itself as a sudden and conspicuous discoloration and wilting of America’s pestered soul.

The country is broke because of health care, Brooks asserts.  

The fiscal crisis is driven largely by health care costs.

He baldly states this whopper without making so much as a pipsqueaking reference to multiple stupid and endless wars of aggression, decades of historically incomprehensible tax cuts for the wealthy, and pathologically self-defeating bailouts for the prodigal malefactors of imaginary wealth on Wall Street.  Nor does he even manage to mention the ungodly profits driving health care costs through the roof, to the point where we have worse health care at twice the cost compared to other industrialized nations.

The real problem, according to our maggot-brained buffoon and his editors at the NYT, is our old, selfish and sickly geezers on life support who are stealing money, freedom, and opportunity from the young.  The old should demand to die, “to confront death and their obligations to the living,” the self-enclosed, life-impersonating skin-bag actually opined in one of America’s top dying newspapers.

Squirming in the twisted ethical wreckage of Brooks’s latest pre-meditated collision into our elderly and a concrete abutment of facts, America has decided that such states of pure ontological pain are no longer worth enduring.  She has requested an overdose of vodka martinis, truth serum, laughing gas, opioidergic pain-killers, and dissociative anesthetics, followed by a cattle stun-bolt gun to the forehead, cervical dislocation, and exsanguination, not for herself, but rather for the psychologically hell-bent, mutilated hunchback of a quasi-humanoid conservative mutant, David Fucking Brooks,


who once again has literally called upon the aged and infirm of this country to let themselves die for the good of the country.

I find it impossible to fathom how one of America’s so-called premier publications condones repeated calls for our elderly and infirm to simply up and die because we can’t otherwise afford the epic criminal behavior of our ruling elite.  Take one for the team, says Brooks, who is just about the ripe age to have begun experiencing the shocks of time himself.

Anytime you’re ready, you fucking prick.  Put yourself out of our misery.  Anyone associated with this remorseless fucker should kill themselves, as well.  Let me know if you need a hand with dosages, dislocations, etc..  I’ve killed a shitload of rodents in my time, and I’m pretty handy at the ethical administration of death.  Heck, you could even donate your brain to science so we can see how those neuronal maggots have wired themselves together.

1 comment

  1. of course.

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