(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
It might have sold had you marketed it as a potential equine property. It is after all only a short trot away from the best trail systems north of Boston but hey, some yuppie told you how to market it. So be it. Loose it to the bank, bitch.
Oh look, I found a test.
Noteable figures like Arthur Fielder, Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans once came to partake of the old fashioned hay rides given by the relative you “acquired” the current “family” compound from. Yeah, the one, the house, the property, the field you promised would be my son-in-law’s some day?
Oh, so now you send messages via towns people you want to see the grandkids you kicked out of their house? How about your own parents whom you kicked out of the apartment they paid to build. Is there a historical picture emerging here you sociopathic red headed control freak bitch? No, there is no money from your kids to tap. They are on food stamps. I saved the horses while the husband you corrupted destroyed the horse barn hours after they left the barn.
Die alone in the nuring home, tended only by the minorities you loathe under your breath you trailer trash town pump. As long as I live and breath my magical gandkids will never forget you, that other socio grandma and their loss in the time of dire family need.
Have I fully illustrated my contempt for the mother of my son-in-law here?
Anyway today was one of those wonderful summer days. We loaded the horses for a most excellent trail ride. I am riding the four year old philly. Smooth short gait. She stumbles alot, looks around, your basic little kid but she is smart, does not spook easily and behaved well amidst a whole set of brand new circumstances. Made both of us proud to be in the set of last horsemen in the decaying state of what used to be America.
wetlands protection the pond/swamp I skated on as a kid now features a slice of American suburbia. The place my parents moved to used to produce a full 40% of their food locally. None of this bodes well for my grandkids unless and until I get them the Christ out of here. But for where indeed. That mythical place untouched by evil “Illuminati” influence?
I do believe and continue to find TV and American media accountable for the creation and proliferation of sociopathic personalities such as my son-in-law’s mother. I simply do not have the time nor resources right now to document fully the din of subliminal fascism enforcement mechanisms the “educated” psychiatric “professionals” all across America ought to be making doctoral thesis out of.