(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
It sounds like something out of a post WWII film.
Fade in: The SS meets in secret, and creates a plan to start pulling people off the streets. “We must be able to do this,” the man who crafted the plan says, “and eliminate the enemies in the motherland!”
Next scene: People’s homes being broken into in the dark of night, writers, refuseniks, protestors being black-bagged and dragged away…. then their families pleading to the authorities to find out where and why their beloveds were taken.
“That is classified, Madame. Though, if you don’t hold your tongue, you may find out personally…”
The audiences would cringe in horror at the thought. America was for freedom of expression, and here was censorship. America was for fair trials, and here was political imprisonment. America was for transparency, and here lay secrecy, treachery, plot.
Yeah, dudes, that was all so five minutes ago… or at least pre-9/11. The new order formed from the false flag attack has brought us exactly to that point.
Enter the Defense Authorization Bill.
It defines as a battlefield the United States itself, and allows the Military to detain without charge or trial any citizen here they deem a “threat.” Snatch you, keep you for as long as they wish, forever if they want – and you, and your family have no recourse. No process. No oversight. Nothing. Just “presidential order” and “military execution.”
Posse Comitatus is not just dead, it has been violated, mutilated and raped post mortem.
If you think for a second there is still a difference between Dems and the Pubs?
If you think there is still transparency?
The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.
The debate over terrorism suspects on Thursday divided Democrats, with Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., squaring off over the language with Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Senate Intelligence Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill.
Democratic opponents of the provisions, who offered a series of amendments to strike or water down the language, appear to face an uphill effort to find the votes to amend the detainee language as almost all Republicans and most Armed Services Committee Democrats support it.
Obama will veto it just like he did any Health Care reform without single-payer.
Yeah. Exactly.
Take a gander at who the DHS includes on their terrorist list: (my bold)
Lawful or unlawful acts of civil disobedience ranging from protests to property destruction or acts of violence.
Or you and I for that matter:
A movement of groups or individuals that embraces anticapitalist, Communist, or Socialist doctrines and seeks to bring about change through violent revolution rather than through established political processes. The term also refers to leftwing, single-issue extremist movements that are dedicated to causes such as environmentalism, opposition to war, and the rights of animals.
Ok, maybe you don’t see yourself in either of those groups, and feel that no amount of twisting your intentions could possibly lead to your arrest. But you still like to blog. You ARE free to do that still, right?
Maybe not after this.
Alternative Media: A term used to describe various information sources that provide a forum for interpretations of events and issues that differ radically from those presented in mass media products and outlets.
Report a differing version from the MSM narrative handed you?
You are an enemy of the State.
So, now we know who are considered enemies – shall we allow them to round us up?
Not that I think petitions really can do much, I still signed the ACLU’s petition against this.
Remember everyone is a suspect!!!!
More important?
Reprint this, write this, viralize this.
…lest we become some future society’s b-grade movie about the scary, bad people and their victims…..
and as such most of the unwashed unlike you and me won’t even take note but all is not lost in the occupy world street movement. Much is happening yet nothing in even this electronic instant communication age can be taken as truth. A vote on crap by sociopaths?http://www.infowars.com/congress-to-vote-next-week-on-explicitly-creating-a-police-state/
Methinks it’s way too late for that. Cat out of bag. They want to promote domestic war to get rid of that most consumerist society to free up resources for enhanced global control. These sociopaths culturally adjust, no socially engineer the peasant populations in 169 or so countries and “ours” appears to be the easiest to socially engineer?