The Problem With Trump Is Republicanism

So the vacuous gasbags of the Villager Media are saying the latest misogynistic, racist, bigoted remarks of the Donald are “THE FINAL STRAW!” and Republicans are deserting him in droves.

No, they’re not.

Sure some reluctant endorsers are recanting now that it’s too late and they’ve already provided all the sound bites necessary to do whatever damage is going to be done (Kelly Ayotte, I’m looking right at you). These people are the political elite and they’re worried about their phoney baloney jobs.

But Trump didn’t win with their support, they’ve been against him from day one.

Nope, he won because rank and file Republicans are misogynous bigots and they sense (correctly) that their conventional political representatives don’t give a rat’s ass about their concerns, however misguided, and are instead only interested in enabling their Billionaire paymasters to loot the public treasury and rob them, individually, blind.

The Vacuous Villagers of both Parties consider this indicative of their ignorance, it is instead proof of their sanity- this is exactly what is happening and it’s been happening for over 40 years now. What’s remarkable about Trump is how unremarkable he is except for straying from Republican Neoliberal Orthodoxy on Economics (which is mere lip service for rubes, he’ll let the Party apparatchiks write the policy since such details are beneath him).

The Vacuous Villagers, particularly those identified with the Democratic Party, act as if the Donald is some exceptional evil that lowers the bar to the point that any corporatist toady and war mongerer is “the lesser of two”. I beg to differ.

Trump is just as misogynist, bigoted, intolerant, hypocritical, and dangerous internationally as every Republican. He has not a single idea (except as noted above) that hasn’t been thoroughly focus group tested among Republicans by Frank Luntz and endlessly repeated by decades of “Mainstream” Republicans.

Do you think he’s more anti-immigrant than Cruz? Really? More racist than Sessions? Really? More misogynous than Pence? Really?

From top to bottom, root to branch the Republican Party caters to and encourages the worst, most Ku Klux Klany / Bircherite elements of society and have done so with purpose and intent at least since 1968. The only difference between him and any other Republican is that the Vacuous Villagers and Party Mandarins think he shows a dangerous independence from their control.

Last night I listened to the Dummies (in the sense of Puppets, but they are also monumentally stupid) on MSNBC (against my better judgement, but I have to share a TV on the road and not everyone possesses my enthusiasm for ‘tween Comedies and Cartoons), led by Chris Matthews (Chief of the Villager Idiots, as if that’s something to aspire to) speculate about a ‘Nixon Delegation’ to convince Trump he was doing irreparable harm to the Republican Party and should resign.

I suppose we ought to rejoice, because that’s absolutely the worst advice in the world. They are on record, now they look like cowardly rats deserting a sinking ship. The Donald has no incentive to listen- he’s not invested in the delusion and illusion of a Republican Party, the Politicians, Republicans AND Democrats are. The Republicans because they’re brand associated (when was the last time you saw a lawn sign bragging of Republican affiliation?) and the Democrats because it’s a convenient excuse to indulge their own hypocrisy and betrayal of their constituents. Obama didn’t lose Congress in 2010 by accident, he wanted it.

And it’s too late anyway. The ballots are printed and many have been mailed.

The only thing this type of talk does is piss off your loyal voters and make them less likely to vote for you in the future. Your mendacity and faithlessness is now nakedly exposed for all to see.

If you want good advice hunker down and ride it out, evaluate the carnage (probably not as bad as you fear), and plot and scheme and make new plans.


  1. Vent Hole

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