The Soros Bomber

Well, I can’t quite keep up with “breaking” so I don’t even try. In broad outline mail/pipe bombs have been found at the homes of-

      Barack and Michelle Obama
      Bill and Hillary Clinton
      George Soros
      and the Offices of CNN (addressed to John Brennan)

Notably absent?

      Nancy Pelosi

Which is kind of surprising since those seem to be the Top 6 Demons in the Alt-Right Pantheon of Anti-Christs. If I were Nancy or MSNBC I’d feel disrespected.

If they were typical of devices of their type (explosive powder means Black Powder which is uncontrolled because it is so easy to make yourself which people have been doing for over a thousand years) and if you’ve ever watched any Mythbusters you know that Gunpowder is not terribly explosive. It burns (you can basically jog faster) and expends and unless it’s contained it it kind of fizzles out. The explosion comes from the release of energy when the internal gas pressure exceeds the strength of the container, so it would injure or kill those in close proximity (maybe 20, 30 feet). Now if it were “Smokeless” Powder (also commonly available without any special screening or license) your bang would be bigger but not significantly. Structural damage would be highly unlikely unless there was quite a lot (pounds to start with) and it was detonated at a critical point.

So it’s a joke, right?

Not at all. The object of Terror is to Terrorize and Intimidate. Given the targets it’s hard to impute any motive to the Bomber except political, and Alt-Right let’s blow up all the Baby Killing Factories and shoot all the Murderers crawling out of the rubble and any Black, Brown, or Female Subhuman who doesn’t show “respect” Batshit Wingnut Crazy at that. Speculation is that it’s meant to keep the “wrong” sorts from Voting.

In the fever swaps of flat out of the ass guessing it’s the start of the Turner Diaries race war and swarms of Teabaggers are going to cleanse the Unbelievers and Heretics. I think that’s a little over blown, it’s probably just 3 or 4 guys with delusions of grandeur in addition to the voices that the CIA keeps beaming into their heads.

You know, the Tinfoil doesn’t work unless you soak it in Urine.

But the point is that this is the kind of violence the Trump and Republicans encourage.

And when it’s all over it they will tell us it’s only a few nutjobs who “misinterpreted” their remarks and everything will be exactly the same.

Update: Debbie Wasserman-Shultz? Yeah, I’ll bet Nancy is really pissed now.