Welcome to The Breakfast Club!
AP’s Today in History for May 2nd
Nazi Germany’s capital Berlin falls in World War II; Artist Leonardo da Vinci dies; Civil War Gen. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson killed; Nelson Mandela claims victory in South Africa vote; Singer Bing Crosby born.
Breakfast Tune Bing Crosby – Banjo´s back in Town
Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below
"The (Brazil) P1 variant carries a unique constellation of mutations that allow it not only to sneak past the human immune system and re-infect people, but also to be about twice as transmissible as earlier variants." https://t.co/Re3aTgxPPC
— Anthony Costello (@globalhlthtwit) April 29, 2021
- The unmaking of India
Ramachandra Guha
- Modi Fiddles While India Burns
Kapil Komireddi
- 300,000 Deported in Biden’s First 100 Days
Jake Johnson
- Don’t Let Wall Street Get Rich Off of Our Water
Something to think about over coffee prozac
Depressed Police Officer Reminds Self That Chauvin Verdict Not Representative Of System At Large
The Onion
MINNEAPOLIS—Shaken by the guilty verdict delivered in the trial of Derek Chauvin, local police officer Edward Margolin took comfort Tuesday by remembering that this outcome wasn’t representative of the system at large. “Moments like this can be tough, but it helps to take a step back and remember that this is the exception that proves the rule,” said Margolin, confirming that despite the conviction he still believed in the justice system’s fundamental purpose of exonerating police officers. “In these trying times, I remember everything I have to be grateful for—qualified immunity, powerful police associations, massive budgets, and all the officers I know who have done similar stuff to Chauvin and gotten away scot-free, and it starts to make me calm down. It’s important not to let a little hiccup like this make you lose sight of the big picture.” At press time, a cheerful Margolin had fully regained his faith in the system after taking out a baton and breaking a demonstrator’s arm.