Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History
A key moment in the Watergate scandal; Adolf Hitler visits Paris after France falls to Nazi Germany; The typewriter gets a patent; Polio vaccine pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk and TV producer Aaron Spelling die.
Breakfast Tunes
Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac
If you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one.
Breakfast Blogs
The Supreme Court Ruled the Constitution’s Establishment Clause Is Unconstitutional Charles P. Pierce, Esquire Politics
Rudy Giuliani Launched a Lynch Mob over a Ginger Mint emptywheel aka Marcy Wheeler, emptywheel
War For Ukraine Day 119: The US Intelligence Community Is Concerned About Russian Active Measures, Russia Decides To Rattle Sabres, & Finland Lays Down a Marker Adam L. Silverman, Balloon Juice
All roads lead to Trump and his henchmen digby aka Heather Digby Parton, Digby’s Hullabaloo
Free-fire zone America Tom Sullivan, Digby’s Hullabaloo
Too Little, Too Late, WTO Finally Eases Patent Rights On COVID Vaccines Mike Masnick, Techdirt
Uvalde PD Continues Stonewalling, Hires Private Law Firm To Block Release Of School Shooting Recordings Tim Cushing, Techdirt
Trump’s $24 Million RICO Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton Nearly Doubles in Size and Seeks to Sidestep Legally Fatal Flaw in Original Paperwork Aaron Keller, Law & Crime
Is the Religious Liberty Tent Big Enough to Include the Religious Commitments of Jews? Dahlia Lithwick and Micah Schwartzman, Slate
So nothing’s changed? Scott Lemieux, Lawyers, Guns and Money
Pour encourager les autres Paul Campos, Lawyers, Guns and Money
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,128 Erik Loomis, Lawyers, Guns and Money
Rusty Bowers and the Doomsday Machine driftglass, at his blog
For the Record: Prayers and Thoughts Yastreblyansky, The Rectification of Names
NO, THEY DON’T KNOW THEY’RE WRONG Steve M., No More Mister Nice Blog
What Do OAN, Newsmax, And Fox Have In Common? They’re All Getting Sued For Defamation. Liz Dye, Wonkette
Donald Trump Destroys People’s Lives Evan Hurst, Wonkette
Tim Scott Has No Time For Black Women Testifying Trump Sent Lynch Mob After Them Stephen Robinson, Wonkette
Senate Ready To Pass Gun Bill After All? Huh! Doktor Zoom, Wonkette