WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. “truth commission” should investigate Bush administration policies including the promotion of war in Iraq, detainee treatment and wiretapping without a warrant, an influential senator proposed on Monday.
“We need to come to a shared understanding of the failures of the recent past,” Leahy said in a speech at Georgetown University.
“Rather than vengeance, we need a fair-minded pursuit of what actually happened,” he said. “And we do that to make sure it never happens again.”
RUkind’s essay on Truth Commisions for historic reference.
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Arlen replies..
or any commission! We need a special prosecutor and on with the show!
I just received this e-mail from The Pen:
It’s a little confusing, though, because war crimes and wars of aggression have no statute of limitations as they fall under “jus cogens,” the supreme rule of the land. So, they probably are talking about the illegal wire-tapping issue and that may have a statute of limitations about to expire.
Hell yes prisoners were mutilated, physically, psychologically, mentally, but more than that, they were murdered.
Murdered by multiple small cuts, genitally mutilated by many cuts, is not material to the argument on whether they should be in jail or not, but after being in jail for such a time that they then should be put to death.
I believe that is the legal penalty for their crimes, under the law.
You wouldn`t want to break the law, now.
On the practical side, I prefer to not even debate the question of truth commission or the “let`s move forward crowd”, which are tied up in politics. I want the man in charge legally, to be shown the law, shown where it says he MUST act, & proceed with his investigation & if any, prosecutions, & if it goes to convictions, the proper & legal sentences to the fullest extent of the law. Semantics, politics & preferences have no place in this discussion. I don`t like setting the bar higher & higher that now it`s up to scrotum slicing.
There really is nothing to discuss about prosecutions, since they both admitted being involved.
There will be no “truth & reconciliation” until the the whole truth comes out & the country reconciles with the hanging of a past president, a past vice president (who btw, is still delusional about the “past” part), & any others involved in the deaths of any of these renditioned, tortured, ball bounced, frozen, sleep deprived, non combatant combatants, gitmo-ized human beings.
That`s the law, isn`t it??!!
The difference between theists and atheists is that the atheists don’t set the theists on fire for refusing to agree with them.
I’ve had all the truth I can handle…now I want justice.
of Cheney and Bush become more and more possible, that we’ll see both of them and most of the GOP as well as some high level democrats start begging forgiveness and LOUDLY supporting the truth and reconciliation commission idea, too…
with what went down? would not have happened if the Democratic side had at the least told the truth, at the least fought these fuckers. They didn’t they still won’t. The truth they all stand for has nothing to do with the reality of our times and everything to do with politics and money. The least they can do ‘bi-partisanly’ is recognize that the jig is up and save some face and stop with the politics electoral that long ago lost anyone with a brain in their head. Change is a really simple concept and it is without us or within us the only option we have. Instead of us adapting to the pols version of change which is so transparently not change why don’t we the people (bi-partisan) reject any bamboozle that they try to use to keep it where it is. This suks politics suk especially when they twist the results.