
Dear Barack,

American International Group has sold insurance policies without the assets to cover their claims and as a result THEY ARE BANKRUPT!

The policies they issued are WORTH NOTHING AND WILL NEVER BE PAID!

The people who hold them HAVE LOST THEIR MONEY!

Moreover the people who sold those policies ARE CRIMINALS!  They committed INSURANCE FRAUD and should be ARRESTED AND SENT TO PRISON!

If instead your policy and that of your administration is to give them BILLIONS IN BONUSES the American people will justifiably curse your name forever as the quisling who SOLD THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN INTO SLAVERY!

Clearly Geithner and Summers are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of making any progress at all in resolving our financial crisis because they have no ability to control these institutions or gain their cooperation even with the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN BRIBES THEY HAVE ALREADY PAID THESE EXTORTIONISTS!

They must be fired and replaced as must the failed leadership and incompetent managers in all the institutions in which THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT HOLDS A CONTROLLING INTEREST WHO DO NOT COOPERATE WITH THEIR SHAREHOLDERS!  Meaning us, the American people, though our elected Representatives including you sir

It’s a little thing called corporate democracy, sir.  One of the foundations of our capitalist system.

I am calling my Congresspeople tomorrow, sir, including Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Banking Committee, and telling them that if they expect my vote in 2010 THEY WILL INVESTIGATE IMMEDIATELY AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION UNDER THE LAW!

And you sir, if you don’t replace Geithner and Summers and change their disastrous policies that benefit only their criminal cronies, you sir will replace your predecessor as THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER, because your failure will be just as great as James Buchanan’s.


ek hornbeck


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  1. These people should be in a jail cell.  Their Ponzi schemes are no different from Madoff except in size.

  2. …I don’t know how to tell you that any more bluntly.  I doubt Summers is either (although there is a better chance of that).  But there is just no way in hell.  

    And even if it were possible to get rid of Geithner, it wouldn’t change anything.  The Obama administration is going to stand behind AIG, and that is the choice that has been made, and it is difficult at best to imagine a way that the US government could step back from that commitment now.  The die has been cast.

    • Viet71 on March 16, 2009 at 15:51

    You nail it, IMO.

  3. Give it UP ek!

    Excellent, and eloquent! Do you mind if I copy and paste to my own missive? We should all send these off to obama land, with copies to our Honourable (?) Senators.

    Sorry to all who are obamamaniacs, the man is very eloquent, very moving, but a snake in the grass never-the-less, no more than bush-lite. I am actually starting to snarl when his name comes up. He is giving us crumbs, when he promised change.


    • Mu on March 17, 2009 at 01:32


    On Countdown, moments ago, Robert Reich suggested we — the owners of AIG — give its “Financial Products Division” to North Korea.

    Oh, please someone diary this here and at Orange tomorrow!

    Mu . . .

  4. Geithner and Summers should have AIG by the proverbial short and curlies. I could live with (but not be happy about) keeping the top managers. We really should have at least some experienced people around. The worst of the worst, of course, should be shit canned.

    Barney Frank was on Rachel Maddow half an hour ago talking about how the federal government owns 80 percent of the company. I have never known of a person or entity owning 80 percent of a company and not being allowed to say “no” to unearned bonuses.

    OTOH: If Geithner doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to cancel these bonuses, he should join the 10 percent of the country that is unemployed.  

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