In a Blink

In the blink of an eye or a beat of a heart

One poor choice can tear things apart

A smart guy gets a comeuppance and action,

and the family lives in the dregs of reaction.

I am the one who caused the despair

And hope that the deity to me will be fair.

I do not ask for anything for me,

but want good things to happen for my family.

Those of you who feel that you have things fine,

Remember, one mistake and your fate is like mine.

So, always do things that you know are right,

and never fall into the urges of night.

If you do these loving things

Your loved ones will take to wings.

No other text.  I know that this a poor effort at poetry, but at least it is an effort.  I appreciate this site for allowing such freedom.

Warmest regards,



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  1. but the sentiment is real.

    Warmest regards,


  2. I’m only posting this to say that your strength through what may yet lie in my future is an inspiration. Hopefully, my effort to change will be met with blessings, but change I must.

    In other words, I can kind of relate, although I won’t say that I know the feeling any better than I would believe someone else could know the agony I brought upon myself. The difference in my case is fewer (but many) years of marriage during which I fell into a pattern of betrayal of various forms against my heart’s real one and only.

    And then one day it set in like no pain of temporary guilt and shame I’d ever known, well after taming my wandering eye.

    Your words fanned that never fully extinguished burning in my chest, reminding me that it is silly to beat myself up over my awkward attempt to live among real people today. Everything it takes to change still hurts, and it would be so much easier to go back or give up entirely.

    Geez, I hope something here helps. I don’t know what else to say, except that I am really grateful and somewhere between absolutely crushed and humble. Something just told me that your words illuminate the bridge between the two, and that I should say thank you.

    Blessings and peace to you.


    I set up my account here knowing that if I ever decided to brave posting something I would have to start with this disclaimer:

    “Peaceful nature” is a vague description of something I seek, not something I claim to know very well…..yet

    • Miep on September 20, 2009 at 07:14

    and as so many of us writers know – the ending is so often the hardest to write.

    “take to wings,” really nice.

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