Grayson on Radio, THIS Morning (Updated)

UPDATE: 8AM Pacific time, TODAY: link to listen online

Rep. Grayson will be interviewed on Monterey’s progressive talk radio station KRXA 540. Tune in to hear an interview unlike those you’ll get from the mainstream media. Look for more pointed questions and insights from former D.C. insider Hal Ginsberg. Also on, Dr. Paul Hochfeld – from MAD AS HELL DOCTORS.

h/t to DK diary JerichoJ8.

Grayson seems to be making the rounds of progressive radio. He sure knows his audience!

yesterday’s notes…

Just now. In my car. I dont really do internet radio. Im not finding any info or podcast at the KPFT website.

FOUND IT here. He is on toward then end.

It was very good. He was relaxed, and spot on. I wanted to tell you all about it!

It was a show called The Monitor.

Monday: 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Email address: sundaymonitor {at}

News and Analysis.

Topics: The Monitor delves into many national and international topics of interest, including war & peace, corporate corruption, politics, media, global debt and wealth disparity, the Middle East, the US intelligence apparatus, gender issues, and voting verifiability.

Previous guests include: Kevin Phillips, Joseph Wilson, John Dean, Joseph Stiglitz, Daniel Ellsberg, Molly Ivins, Seymour Hersh, Arianna Huffington, David Cobb, Helen Thomas, Gore Vidal, Robert Fisk, James Bamford, Scott Ritter, Medea Benjamin, Jim Hightower, Ted Rall, Michael Parenti, Kate Kendall, Laura Flanders, Chalmers Johnson, Amy Goodman, Robert Parry, William Rivers Pitt, John Sayles, Ray McGovern, Pratap Chatterjee, Ellie Smeal, Lou Dubose and Howard Zinn.

Mark Bebawi and Pokey Anderson


  1. oh well

  2. get us the hell out of Afghanistan (paraphrasing!)

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