Stark Apologizes

The GOP censure motion of Pete Stark failed. Apparently there was a quid pro quo. He apologized

This was badly handled all around. While I thought Stark’s comments stupid and counterproductive, they did not merit all this nonsense. This is a bad business.


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  1. These democrats are advancing the science of capitulation to new frontiers of idiocy. The Repubs have them on the run now.


    • robodd on October 23, 2007 at 18:44

    bullshit will end.  Hard to know what it will take to make it happen.  Might not be something good.

  2. but I still think he was right.  bush is getting some kind of twisted personal thrill out of his war(maybe it gives him the hard-on that Laura and Condi can’t), and you can see it on his face when he speaks in threats…

  3. Bush killed people with his lies that led the US into Iraq. Stark should have said he will apologize after Bush apologizes to the nation. 

  4. Good Christ, I’m more than sick of this kind of shit.

    • Turkana on October 23, 2007 at 19:27

    and that no one’s asking bush to apologize.

    • fatdave on October 23, 2007 at 19:28
    • pfiore8 on October 23, 2007 at 19:29

    that all this is denial of the impending hard times ahead

    because holding onto business as usual somehow will change the future… hahahahahaha

    the problems may be huge… maybe they are, to some extend, insurmountable. what is worse than the problems? the way in which we deal or refuse to deal with them.

    we haven’t half a chance if some group of people somewhere don’t start ACTING on solutions

    the longer we wait for politicans to do this, the more damned we become

    fuck. shit. fucking shit.

    • Edger on October 23, 2007 at 19:35

    For the President’s Amusment:

    Bush’s joking about war as young men & women are dying show us he is more Frat Boy In Chief, rather than the Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces. Despite the president’s claims that he suffers with each death and that he frequently cries about the war, it is hard to believe with his cavalier attitude. When the president landed on the aircraft carrier back in May 2003, and announced “Mission Accomplished”, he was hearkening back to his days of “service” in the Texas National Guard. It was a game to Bush then and it is a game now.

    Members of the military serving in Iraq are thought of as little green army men or a game of Risk to this president and his supporters. Multiple deployments, increased divorce rates, PTSD, many cases of shoddy medical treatment, lack of appropriate resources and equipment; these fighting men and women and their families are on their own.

    War is not for anyone’s amusement, it’s not funny and jokes about anything related to our son’s and daughter’s dying are inappropriate and disrespectful. Ask any of the families and friends of the 3834 US military who have been killed to date. We don’t think it is funny at all.

    Thanks to Pete Stark for having the courage to say what many people have been thinking all along.

  5. to an event last night, which featured Howard Dean, I am convinced that this is their tactical political strategy for 08. I now think that they wish to diminish the perception of the Bushes insanity, as part of this ill conceived strategy. Dean made it absolutely clear that their will be no end to this war until a Democrat is in the WH and they have a strong majority in congress. He blamed McConnell and the Reps. for blocking all action, and would not discuss other methods for stopping them.

    They don’t want to challenge and are treading a fine line here as  the public sees Bush and co. becoming increasingly dangerous. Their strategy is like extortion vote for us you want this over. Smacking down the truth speakers will not help them, it only makes people think they are the same. Perhaps they are. 

  6. that a congress that could do such a thing is never going to become the ‘do nothing’ congress that you want it to be? This is a congress that is determined to do something, no matter how stupid that something might be.

    The Iraq occupation will remain in full swing come January 2009. And beyond.

  7. Because the GOP bullies start whining?  Stark’s concerned he might offend the troops????  The troops and their families are offended by their having to be gravely wounded or killed by being sent to fight in a needless war, run by incompetents.  They are offended by the president’s callous disregard for them as human beings and they are offended by the wimpy congress’s failure to end the madness, as they promised to do in 2006.  That’s what Congress should be apologizing for!

    Please pardon my rant, I’m righteously p.o.’d right now, as I await word on whether my son will be pulled from the branch of service he enlisted in to serve instead in the army in Iraq. 

  8. Hell, somebody needed to say it.  There is something vile and wrong with a system of governance that will spend billions on faux wars killing thousands of people with no attainable goal in sight while telling it’s children to shove off.  I thought he was making a point that needs to be made more often.

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