Arianna Huffington calls for Biden to resign?

Did you read that right?  Resign?

I have an idea for how he can capitalize on all the attention, and do what generations to come will always be grateful for: resign.

Why, yes you did…

Arianna Huffington puts her war-hawk side on display for all to see:

What he must not do is follow the same weak and worn-out pattern of “opposition” we’ve become all-too-accustomed to, first with Vietnam and then with Iraq. You know the drill: after the dust settles, and the country begins to look back and not-so-charitably wonder, “what were they thinking?” the mea-culpa-laden books start to come out. On page after regret-filled page, we suddenly hear how forceful this or that official was behind closed doors, arguing against the war, taking a principled stand, expressing “strong concern” and, yes, “deep reservations” to the president, and then going home each night distraught at the unnecessary loss of life.

Basically, her argument is; if you don’t support the war in Afghanistan, VP Biden, then you should resign now.  

During a meeting, VP Biden asks:

“Can I just clarify a factual point? How much will we spend this year on Afghanistan?” Someone provided the figure: $65 billion. “And how much will we spend on Pakistan?” Another figure was supplied: $2.25 billion. “Well, by my calculations that’s a 30-to-1 ratio in favor of Afghanistan. So I have a question. Al Qaeda is almost all in Pakistan, and Pakistan has nuclear weapons. And yet for every dollar we’re spending in Pakistan, we’re spending $30 in Afghanistan. Does that make strategic sense?” The White House Situation Room fell silent.

This is a very good point, and, one I’ve been making for years.  Pakistan is nuclear armed.  If extremists overthrew the government and gained access to the nuclear arsenal, there would be a real threat in the region.  As it stands, the fight we are waging in Afghanistan is against the Taliban, a political force with military power, trying to regain its power from President Karzai, who we helped install as leader of Afghanistan.

Now, I can understand the “if you can’t support it why stay” line of argument.  But, during the Iraq war, there were many Generals who did, in fact, resign.  I don’t hear any regrets coming from President Bush or VP Cheney on Iraq.  Those who were in the Bush administration who had “regrets”, Colin Powell for one, had his career destroyed after he did the bidding of Bush at the United Nations.  THAT was his regret.

Right now, VP Biden has a chance to be a voice of reason.  Pushing him to resign or “get on board” before any decision has been made is just stupid on Arianna’s part.



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  1. She’s arguing he should resign in protest to help the anti-war forces, not because she’s a warhawk who wants to silence opposition.

    Though it would be a crowning moment in a distinguished career, such an act of courage would likely be only the beginning. Biden would then become the natural leader of the movement to wind down this disastrous war and focus on the real dangers in Pakistan.

    Of course, the wisdom of such a move by Biden is at best questionable and unlikely in any event, but Ariana’s motives do seem honorable here.

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