Open Conditioning



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  1. Today I am finding it somewhat of a trial to sit down on the toilet.

    I think that’s a “conditioning response”.

    I’m doing it for the exercise and indeed I found the physical exertion mind clearing afterwards.  But the actual hitting kicking martial arts stuff made me feel a bit awkward and foolish.

  2. and the opperant drive used is the drive to seek comfort and avoid discomfort…….

    appetite and the whispering box = slavery……

  3. discussed in a while.

    • Edger on April 21, 2010 at 19:38

  4. Yes we can!  Yes we can!  Yes we can!

    So just do!  So just do!  So just do!


  5. (thinking of this one…)


  6. Smug liberals laugh at her.  They have no idea what’s going on.

    Remember the end of El Cid?  Cid (Charlton Heston) dies, so they strap his body onto his horse and send his corpse riding out against the Muslims, who flee in terror.  LOL.

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