Here’s your mission, should you accept it. To help me and rusty1776 complete DocuDharma’s version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
rusty provided the impetus for the idea and i started it with:
On the first day of Christmas, my country gave to me a president free of party affiliation . . .
then rusty added the next five days (and they are fabulous)…
On the second day of Christmas, my country gave to me Bush’s resignation, and a president free of party affiliation . . .
On the third day of Christmas, my country gave to me, reconciliation, Bush’s resignation, and a president free of party affiliation . . .
On the fourth day of Christmas, my country gave to me, Netroots celebration, reconciliation, Bush’s resignation, and a president free of party affiliation . . .
On the fifth day of Christmas, my country gave to me, a Docudharma nation, Netroots celebration, reconciliation, Bush’s resignation, and a president free of party affiliation . . .
On the sixth day of Christmas, my country gave to me, a psychiatric evaluation, a Docudharma nation, Netroots celebration, reconciliation, Bush’s resignation, and a president free of party affiliation . . .
That’s my wish list for the first six days of Christmas.
Please forward to Santa.
He’s in Gitmo right now, but they still let him read his mail in between waterboardings.
don’t rec the pony party, but this one will be back with the final song version. maybe we’ll shop it around to the Daly Show or convince Stephen to sing song it.
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They sing some of my favorites.
They accompany reverend Billy, who a few years back sang in the mall of America after he and his entourage took over an empty stage.

Security kicked us out after we occupied Abercrombie and Fitch.
Here’s some – I assume they are supposed to rhyme.
My country gave to me…
Congressional investigation
Shocking revelation
Cheney examination
Torture repudiation
Collective hallucination
Caribbean vacation