
We have all heard the arguments on impeachment, pro and con.  We have all heard about whether or not we “have the votes.”  Whether or not this will ruin our chances in 2008 for a Democratic victory.  We have all discussed every possible permutation, and we have no consensus.  Ok.  I accept that.  My decision is to support anyone who is for impeachment, and that includes Kucinich, who I think is doing a great job getting this issue in the spotlight.

This diary isn’t just about impeachment.  It’s also about what can happen if we don’t impeach this crew, and asks the question of what we will do if any of these things come to pass.  As much as I’m pro-impeachment, if it doesn’t happen I’m not going to lay down and die — I want to know the consequences and take action.

One of the consequences has to do with the 2008 Presidential election.

None of this may come to pass, and I hope that is the case.  I am claiming no precognitive abilities here.

But I do think Naomi Wolf has some interesting things to say as far as these consequences, in her post over at Firedoglake, A “Presidential Coup,” The Continuity of Government, And Blackwater Watching Midtown Manhattan

I have argued that in the closing stages of a `fascist shift’, events cascade. I am hearing about them, even across the globe. Here in Australia I hear from the nation’s best-know feminist activist, and former adviser to Paul Keating, Anne Summers, who was also at the time this took place Chair of the Board of Greenpeace International. Summers was detained by armed agents for FIVE HOURS each way in LAX on her way to and from the annual meeting of the board of Greenpeace International in Mexico, and her green card was taken away from her. `I want to call a lawyer’, she told TSA agents. `Ma’am, you do not have a right to call an attorney,’ they replied. `You have not entered the United States.’

Increasingly, reputable figures are starting to talk about `a coup.’ Jim Hightower notes in an important essay, “Is a Presidential Coup Under Way?,” that a coup is defined in the dictionary as a sudden forced change in the form of government. (He also spells out the basis for a rigorously modeled impeachment and criminal prosecution.) Daniel Ellsberg’s much-emailed speech on recent events notes that, in his view, a `coup’ has already taken place. Ron Rosenbaum speculates in an essay on Slate about the reasons the Bush administration is withholding even from members of Congress its plans for Continuity of Government in an emergency – noting that those worrying about a coup are no longer so marginal. Frank Rich notes the parallels between ourselves and the Good Germans. And Congress belatedly realizes as if waking from a drugged sleep that it might not be okay for the Attorney General to say the President need not obey the law. Congress may realize why Mukasey CAN’T say that `waterboarding is torture’ – the minute he does so he has laid the grounds for Bush, Cheney and any number of CIA and Blackwater interrogators to be tried and convicted for war crimes. They are so keenly aware that what they have been doing is criminal that laws such as the Military Commissions Act of 2006 have been drafted specifically to protect them and the torturers and murderers they have directed from criminal prosecution. That is why insisting that Mukasey say that waterboarding is torture is, in spite of the alarming apparent defection of Feinstein and Schumer, an important tactic and even the perfect opening for the impeachment bid that Kucinich is bringing on November 6th to be followed by Congressional investigations into possible criminality.

Will we have elections, and will the results of those elections be honored?  Will we, in the next year, go to war with Iran?  How will that impact our elections?  Can we stop this criminal crew from going to war with Iran?  And given the lawless behavior of this misAdministration, are these outlandish questions?

Regardless of the answers to any of these questions, we have problems right now, as Ms. Wolf enumerates.  We are debating the notion of giving telephone companies immunity from spying on American citizens.  We have a lot of technological infrastructure, don’t we?  And one of the most precious things in that infrastructure is the internet.  We saw in Burma how the internet allowed the entire world to see a cruel junta violating the most basic human rights.  There was a big outcry.  And then the internet went silent.  I  felt such an ominous feeling of dread when that happened.

Let’s look at our present system.

From an article over at entitled The Web Police:

China has become notorious for the extent and sophistication of its Internet censorship. The government constantly adjusts its roster of banned Web sites. Search engines filter content, leaving only pro-government information on sensitive topics. Companies that provide space to bloggers censor hundreds of key words, such as “democracy,” “Falun Gong,” and “freedom.” Chat rooms are monitored by tens of thousands of government workers, who remove offending posts. E-mail is subject to censorship, although less likely to be blocked than public communications. Even text messages are now perused by the authorities.

But it’s not just China.  The article links to a rather remarkable map (warning, pdf) showing  where the internet is censored all over the world.  What I found most interesting was the part entitled “Collaborators”:

U.S. companies provide most of the technology for foreign censors.  Secure Computing’s SmartFilter has been used by Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Iran.  To comply with China’s laws, Google has created a censored search engine, Microsoft has taken down offending blogs, and Yahoo has shared information that landed a Chinese journalist in jail.

The important thing to realize, I think, is that we have the technology to shut down the internet, to very easily censor the nascent movement we are all a part of.  It’s something I think we ought to be aware of.  For we know that not only would the Bush misAdministration love to see us go down, much of the traditional media would like that as well.  Who would protest?  We’re still too young a movement for most people to even notice that we’d be gone.

This has happened many times, of course.  During the Stalin years in the then Soviet Union, writers, poets, resisters, employed samizdat:

…  the clandestine copying and distribution of government-suppressed literature or other media in Soviet-bloc countries. Copies were made a few at a time, and those who received a copy would be expected to make more copies. This was often done by handwriting or typing.

This grassroots practice to evade officially imposed censorship was fraught with danger as harsh punishments were meted out to people caught possessing or copying censored materials.

Vladimir Bukovsky defined it as follows: “I myself create it, edit it, censor it, publish it, distribute it, and [may] get imprisoned for it.”

Ultimately, no matter what could happen, history has shown if folks want to get information out, they will get it out.  ‘Course under certain circumstances, doing so is a lot more dangerous than sitting around typing on the intertubes.  And in the meantime, countless human beings suffer, and die.

So what does this have to do with impeachment?  I’m not trying to predict anything here.  I am saying we ought to look ahead if we end up missing the opportunity to remove these criminals from office.  Whether we impeach or not, there will be consequences.  I’ve read a lot of what the consequences could be if we do impeach — the biggest being losing the 2008 election.  And that is a valid argument.  I think some of what I’ve shown above are also potential consequences, among many others I have not mentioned.

Either way, I think, as Bette Davis once said, we’re in for a “bumpy ride.”


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  1. … at a Great Orange Satan near you!

  2. that impeachment was the only course of action to correct the disaster that we are heading towards, this Bill Moyers conversation sealed the deal for me.

    But I pretty much lost all hope in the political system to right this mess when they voted for the FISA reauthorization and now confirmed Mukasey. With those two votes, too many Democrats went on record voting for illegal surviellance and torture – the two most likely charges for impeachment.

    I’ll continue to support impeachment as the only real potential cure, but I think they’ve played their hand against it to the point that it is not a realistic option.  

  3. that it is far too late to prevent what’s being done…being done…

    They get bolder when they do something outrageous and nothing happens.

    Remember the Secret Service detaining the guy who just yelled at Cheney?

    That should have outraged the whole nation…well, those who don’t support authoritarianism.

    My Prediction: America will decline as it was going to, and the great unwashed will turn the streets red when they realize how seriously FUBAR their future and the future of their unwashed, creation-believing children have become.

    By then, you smart bloggers will either be in Canada or Europe…

    Or learning the new global language of your your new masters, be it Russian, Hindi or Mandarin.

    Go ahead…laugh….

    I dare you….

    • icosa on November 11, 2007 at 23:39

    and bush announced it…”Mission Accomplished”.

  4. and several other incidents before this you know it is not going to happen.  The Illuminati has spoken and deemed it not to be so.

    In my more lucid and damaging of posts on the blogosphere the timely receipt of email “returns” from genuine dot mil addresses AT MY WORK ADDRESS scared the living crap out of me.  Then again, it’s soo bad I don’t give a crap anymore.

    • KrisC on November 12, 2007 at 02:11

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  5. do I see comments of worthy note.

    “Also on the great Orange Satan”

    Also completely valid are concerns about if and when Chimpface might “step down” at the end of his “term”.  I routinely discuss on other boards the certified psychic meditation techniques  and construction of devices to counteract this effect.

    Current thought is they are not allowed to impeach.  The Illuminati is behind schedule and still not willing to give up their illusions and deceptions.   Know that only an infinitesimally small percentage of the general population has the knowledge to deal with the future destiny of all of mankind.  The rest are deliberately focused on the latest features available on the newest Ipod.

    Reality sucks don’t it, but the small percent of people in the know keep me from my Apocalyptic horse ride, very cool you guys.

  6. thank you for fighting the good fight for Impeachment over there.  

    I got banned as Rusty1776 for being vehement about the necessity of Impeachment, and then got banned again as NotRusty1776 for taking a farewell lap around the track.

    Fine.  I’d had my fill by then of CE’s and Kos Kops relentlessly eager to enforce CIVILITY with itchy TR trigger fingers but never willing to pull the trigger on Impeachment.  Bush and Cheney are the obscenities they need to do something about, but desperately clapping louder for Nancy and Harry is Holy Orthodoxy over there, sermonized from the pulpit of the Front Page and mutually admired among too many of the CE’s and FP’s as the “sophisticated political analysis” of “realists.”

    But I digress . . .

    Good essay!        

  7. there will be no chance for this nation, to accomplish of its own devices, the following: restore the Constitution, reassert diplomacy, repair the flaw that allowed this mess in the first place, permanently remove spectres like Scooter Libby, Negroponte, Rumsfeld, etc. from the political map, or take leadership on global warming and energy autonomy.

    Impeachment needs to happen so that the rest of the sheeple will wake up to the realization of what this nation has become: A imperial corporatocracy that is dangerous to the health and sovereignty of other nations. If not, other nations, out of sovereign necessity, will reign in our out-of-control bullying.

  8. there isn’t a great deal more to add.

    Impeachment is imperative.

    We need to show ourselves and the world that we are a country that adheres to its Constitution, that which has sustained this country for over 200 years.  We need to become a nation amongst nations once again — not a tyrannical bully fear-mongering the world, contrary to that which we stand for.  We need to regain our respect in the world with good, solid leaders.  As Wolverine06 points out, we should take the lead in the effort to reduce global warming and energy alternatives, which, would ultimately have a two-fold purpose, i.e., reduction of global warming and creating new and much needed jobs in this country.

    None of the above can or will happen without Impeachment.

    Nightprowlkitty, thank you for this essay and it was so well done.

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