Obama’s Massive Environmental Deregulation

From the Center for Public Integrity

The administration has awarded more than 179,000 “categorical exclusions” to stimulus projects funded by federal agencies, freeing those projects from review under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA. Coal-burning utilities like Westar Energy and Duke Energy, chemical manufacturer DuPont, and ethanol maker Didion Milling are among the firms with histories of serious environmental violations that have won blanket NEPA exemptions.

Some polluters reported their stimulus projects might cause “unknown environmental risks” or could “adversely affect” sensitive resources, the documents show. Others acknowledged they would produce hazardous air pollutants or toxic metals. Still others won stimulus money just weeks after settling major pollution cases. Yet nearly all got exemptions from full environmental analyses, the documents show.

The Center for Public Integrity found some “ironies” in the fine print, and Obama’s stooges made a few excuses, but IMHO the scale of this thing makes any kind of commentary more or less superfluous.

179,000 “categorical exclusions” from environmental regulations!


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  1. So how much is 179,000? Is it a very big number, in this context, or what?

    179,000: That’s just about exactly the same as the total number of  towns, neighborhoods, and subdivisions in the United States, so it would be theoretically possible to distribute Obama’s 179,000 unregulated projects so that every town, neighborhood, and subdivision got one of them!

    “So what did your subdivision get, Muffy? My subdivision got a coal-fired power plant, with no limit to the amount of coal-ash and sulphuric acid it can spew!!”


  2. of the carbon footprint globalist Bernie Madoff trading scam and nobody notices because they are busy with a Frankenfoods bill and a leaky website they DID NOT take down even if they DID take down the bit torrent evil copyright violator sites.

    I have to in my lust for the most evil of evil memes assume these are 179,000 of the BIGGEST of bigness corporatewise.  Yeah, tell me I’m right, I can feel it in my psychic soul now that you brought it up.  Excellent find.

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