This is a test this is only a test

Was it due to human error?


….LET GO OF ALL BELONGINGS….there is no stage

…LET GO OF SELF>>>>>you are on stage

straight form follows function theology leads one straight off a clifff

(sic) erased….scratched out…denied presentation…dis

order your belief crisis Hemingway

drunk and thunk again again again

old man turns away afraid

then sees money in your hand

his eyes apologize

cold skinny fingers take it gingerly

strizzling on the green

thankful for the purple

i’m a treaming on your

stare again again again

venus in a cave

crawls on pearls and water

—traffic congestion—

lizard curls creep in

to steel new claws away

every breath beats three

of them

profiled on foreign walls

lavender and greasy coffee

stained brilliance

tall horse’s tail twitches

nervous in the crowd

three girls calm it

then bewitch the cop

seventeen drops

laid into palm

the bad good green clear crystal clusters


we can change time

we can shape it

like clay

finally on grounded place

where ankles feel welcome

there’s a brew on the fire

choosing to transform through exertion

and be reborn in dance

look those shades of grey

12 thousand of them

reflecting off orange peel

textures on hand-hued rock

fingers grip the wheel

the headlights are off

it’s 3:13 am

they grab your hand and sink beside

and kiss you for the first grind

it’s all angel hair spaghetti

and indelible ink on wool

it’s walking in puddles

and laughing out loud

it’s wrestling with your brother

or pounding a fist

her ghost awoke upstairs

and put her robe on

Brian smokes a clove cigarette

and hits you hard

friendship means little

when you are beyond the clouds i guess

i’ll help clean up

deeper into id

further into America

than you’ve ever been

riding broken winged

feeling for the wind

you should join The Farm

and teach Art

she follows you around

sharing everything

with everyone

climbing towards the ceiling with smoke

and scents and greed then return with ease

she shifts shapes from forest creature

to cat she’s gone

have some tea

she’s gone

your density diminishes

until no one sees

your bright crystalline globules

dripping from those trees

two people say at once:

if it’s always yes then there is no choice no guilt no remorse

if it’s always yes then yes

let’s go to Wichita Falls

-black and white 8mm film shows February roadsides and stiff overcoats-

yeah the idiot put radiator fluid in the air intake

looks like we’ll be here a while

you take your last dollar and head into the diner


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  1. then realized it was garbage day!


  2. it looks like whenever you start writing a draft essay is when the system thinks it is published.  I posted this essay after the two that are now above it in the list.

    It’s probably an issue Soap Blox is aware of.  Did anyone else have that problem?

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