Ilona To Testify Before Congress-Requests Help

This will be a short essay, written in response to

request for help.

Ilona explains in her diary /ACTION/ Help Amass PTSD Data For the Congressional Record that she will be testifying before Congress and asks help in documenting PTSD-related incidents:


…”I’ve been asked to testify on December 12, 2007, before Congress at a hearing on Stopping Suicide and Ending Homelessness: Mental Health Challenges Within the Department of Veterans Affairs by the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. My work on the ePluribus Media PTSD Timeline is partly the reason for the invite, a project that sprung from a September 2005 Daily Kos diary of mine…”

“…Since being asked to write Moving a Nation to Care by my publisher, I’ve been sidetracked from adding new incidents I’ve continued to collect; this info is now needed more than ever as I’d like to add it to the Congressional Record with my testimony but don’t have time to complete it alone…”

“…What I desperately need from everyone in the time still avlb:

1. Please recommend this diary.

2. If you know of other Kossacks who would be interested in also recommending such a diary, please email them and ask them to participate.

3. If you can lend a hand — even with one incident — please do…”

Ilona gives step-by-step instructions on how to document these incidents, with links on how to do this, if you are so inclined.

Just passing along this information for anyone who hasn’t seen it and who might be interested in helping with the documentation.  


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  1. I have to run out for 2 hours then I will be glued to my computer – and we all know by now if it is there i can find it

  2. there is another blogger that was doing interesting research on the topic…let me see if I can find her and connect the two of them.

    She was coming at it from a medical standpoint and probably has a lot of documented items ready to go.

    Thanks for the tip.

  3. of Veterans Groups that are actively fighting on-line for better care, more rights, etc.?

    We can include it in the Wiki in our resources area.

  4. spread the word about action dairies so maximum attention and help can be generated.  

    I’m sure you know that, but if I don’t repeat the obvious here for the benefit of posterity, who will? Everyone here is so busy having original thoughts and stuff, typing them, and posting them, that they don’t have time to repeat the obvious.

    Bless their hearts.  

    The way I see it, if Bush can catapult the propaganda, I can catapult the obvious.

    • Tigana on December 4, 2007 at 06:25

    and thats’ IT?

  5. I’ve just gotten home – had some family business to attend to – its been a long day. I’ll get cracking on this tomorrow


  7. I did go to Ilona’s diary on DK, recc and posted.

    PTSD needs to be treated as soon as discovered — it has not been happening that way.

    I found a site that I gave to Ilona, which had a lot of details about those soldiers with PTSD and suicides.


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