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Tagging Tips Here at Docudharma the news is run by you. Your essays are not just published on the site they are sent around the globe using our various networks . Members of these networks often sort through many feeds looking for specific topics. Your tags or keywords will help them to find your essay. If your essay deals with Chicago and Urban Sprawl be sure to include those as tags when publishing. If you have a video in your essay, include the tag “video”. Words like tags and keywords can be confusing but they should be thought of as categories. Does your essay belong in a political category or an Art category? There are two main ways to connect internet content, one is by direct links and return links (called linkbacks), the other is through categories/keywords/tags. If you combine the power of both linking and tagging, you cover all your bases in online publishing. If you have some spare time and would like to help us update tags of past entries it would be most appreciated. Thank you for helping to make Docudharma Yell Louder!
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