Some thoughts

thinking about blogging the future… and just decided to throw some stuff out

blogging the future tense
blogging the fourth wall
breaking the fourth wall
blogging the salon
thread bare
blogging the navel
blogging the gate
extreme blogging

i don’t know why i’m doing this because, while i LOVE titles, i am not good at them (or headlines)

but i love when two or three words can knock me on my ass

some observations:

why move out of dKos or other blogs? philosophy, sure… but now so many people, so many diaries there… how do we get heard

so much NOISE

can this blog be a good listener?

how do we acknowledge…

how do we let people know they’ve been heard…

buhdy is a master at creating a place within his writing, his diaries where people feel heard… acknowledged… and while they like what he has to say, the way he does it leaves room for others to react… comment

i don’t know if i’m expressing it right… or even if i’m the right track…

dKos… love that place, but it feels not just crowded (it was that way when i got there) but there’s just so much noise and it’s too easy to get lost there these days…

anyway… just thinking about intimacy and creating a space

i’m very good at it in real life… understanding relationships of color, pieces of furniture, lighting the room…seeing it in 360o degrees and how each thing flows to the next… i infuse all of my rooms with energy of plants and books and whimisical things… everything is a vignette, a story, but the room flows and fits together and the wood doesn’t match… not much does, and yet it all fits

and that can be created in the space of the mind as well

can we be comfortable, cozy AND edgy, exciting, and unexpected?

okay… that’s it…


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  1. Prominence is certainly a reason to post on a lower traffic blog.  They tend to have greater freedom of expression also.

    I think they’re a great way to get used to the idea of blogging at all, precisely because they are slower paced and more thoughtful.

    Still, dK is fast and that’s an attraction for many people including me.  It’s not so much I need the attention as I like the action.

    My goal for activity here is to get it to a point where you want to check in at least twice a day to see what’s going on.

    Can a blog be a good listener?  It depends on how much spotlight you crave.  I mostly write for myself, except when it’s work and then I have certain performance goals.

    What’s most important to me about my writing is that I get to express myself.  Readers are a bonus.

    If an audience is important you do things to build them, specialization and regularity are 2 tactics that always work.  RealityBias had a following.

  2. what a good title for a meta-type community-building ‘open thread’.  like a bare your soul thread…a ‘what’s bothering YOU?’ type.  keen!

    i agree with you 100% about inviting response with writing style…buhdy IS a master..

    a lot of things i read i will rec and move on…some diarists complain that there arent comments, but sometimes i truly have nothing to say, or add, or ask.  its more of a book report than an interactive starting point/discussion topic.  how many times a day can you type ‘great diary…n/t” before your finger muscles sieze up?

    oh, btw…’great diary’  😉 

    1. I’ve read a book with that title, but it’s not popping to the top right at the moment.


        • pfiore8 on August 25, 2007 at 03:21

        what’s the action? reaction to your POV…

        are we doing this to talk to each other? or just a few 100 others? i don’t think so

        we want an audience… at least i think we do

        and if i want to be a good listener, it means i want to give the spotlight to the visitor… no?

        i have something to say… i want to say it… i want to be heard… and i want reaction and i want to get rolling moving thinking and running across new stuff

        i want somebody to say things i’ve NEVER heard before and i want to be so tripped out that i say something i never heard before or thought before

        this place is ripe for it…the new salon…


      • pfiore8 on August 25, 2007 at 03:53

      behold the man… is that what Buck is thinking?

      i have been thinking, craving really, to read that book again… one of my favorites!

      not sure what you are talking about really

      but i’m always happy to see you!

  3. It is why I ask questions instead of make declarative statements.

    1. It will be a miracle on the scale of….well at LEAST Mary on a frikkin tortilla!

    2. People who are used to faster paced environments will have to get used to.

      My worst diary ever on dK had 2 comments and an impact of .003.

      It’s ok, I was making fun of Katrina and it wasn’t funny yet if ever.

      Here I think 10 or 12 omments will be pretty normal and 60 – 70 will be outstanding.

      That’s one reason I’ll be encouraging people to put up Tip Jars and Polls.  To make it easier for them to get positive feedback and feel the ♥.

  4. man I like this shit!

    Glad I invited you P8!

    • melvin on August 25, 2007 at 06:24

    Many things I would never bring up at dkos, there just isn’t any point. Discussion is actually contrary to the spirit of the place.

    Like the waste, fraud and abuse of carbon schemes so far, or Glen Barry’s criticism of the enviro NGO’s and superstars (although maybe that should be  left alone right now – his last mailing was over the edge like someone ready to fall apart).

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