There And Back Again

Peter Jackson should have kept the title. The thing about traveling is that you are and when you aren’t you’re mostly engaged in adventures neither of which is conductive to contemplative writing and though you promise yourself that at the end of the day you’ll make the time you’re mostly so exhausted that even watching TV seems an effort.

Not that you can nap mind you.

So for the last week more or less it’s been 18 hour days, but I’m not complaining. The good thing about traveling is that it rousts you from your comfortable hole and exposes you to places, people, and things you’ve never seen, or at least haven’t seen in a while. When you get to be 120+ years old like me it’s shocking to confront the reality that it’s been decades and life has not waited for you to catch up.

Nor has it at home. If you’re lucky Lobelia has just made off with the spoons and not tried to sell off your personal effects. It always takes longer than you think to straighten up the things you left unfinished in the ‘pending’ box and resume the normal routine.

Which I’m attempting.

Only Colbert this week, we’ll see if I have the energy. Belmont and Circuit Gilles Villeneuve this weekend for sure. More detailed descriptions of traveling (with pictures!) to come along with the usual.

I hope you missed me, though not too much.


  1. Vent Hole

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