How Are We Doing? Feedback Thread

Surprisingly enough, this is the first big group blog I have ever run! The same goes for all my partners in crime here. Logically speaking, I anticipated not being able to control everything….but I guess the non-logical parts of me expected to be able to.

Those parts are freaking out a bit!

There are more essays and comments than I can read, but I want to read every one! I want to be able to rate very comment, I want to make sure everyone is happy….I want, I want, I want…..perfection!!! 

But of course I have NO idea how to make that happen!

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I am going to have some adjusting to do! I also want to be writing a lot more than I have been but all kinds of……stuff!….is requiring attention. It’s a whole new world!

As the chaos and excitement of the launch begins to calm….we will soon be finding a rhythm and our stride. But as the I Ching says, there is always difficulty at the beginning.

So give us your feedback, your thought’s, your feelings!

Including your complaints, your bugs, and your suggestions for how we could do better. We REALLY want this to be the communities site….so c’mon community, Yell Louder! At me!

And I will try my best to address any concerns you may have.


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  1. means that you have to step back a little bit. Admitting that you don’t want to kinda demonstrates to me that you already know this.

    I  think things are going just find–but I still don’t have my 0s back!!!!!

  2. I promise not to hurt you, too much anyway! I think it’s pretty great so far. If I had one wish, I would wish that it was a little easier to give ponies – the drop down menu thingie kind of slows me down. I like giving lots of ponies.

    • Robyn on September 15, 2007 at 21:50

    It is interesting

    to compare and contrast this blog with Kos.

    I hope that this can become and remain a slower blog, where diaries last more than a day, and discussions are long-term.

    It is inevitable that there will be comparison.  I’ve noted substantive commentary here which gets to the point.  That’s good.  🙂

    705 users now. 

    • melvin on September 15, 2007 at 21:52

  3. you gotta set yourself a regular schedule to be on line or you’ll burn out. You can’t make everybody happy. I promise to try to create good quality Essays, best foot forward…best pseudopod forward, as it were.

    • MO Blue on September 15, 2007 at 21:54

    Great writers and wonderful diversity.

    Now for my bug report: Seems you have to put text in the comment section if you want the system to allow you to post. Hope this can be fixed as it is a pain in the tush. 

  4. wow, I have a 3 digit uid… I feel special!

    I’ll be exploring and posting!

    • MTmofo on September 15, 2007 at 21:57

    All y’all are doing a great job.  Of course, I’m just a guest here at this party so I can’t see what’s happening in the kitchen.

    I’m guessing that back where all the levers and buttons are things are probably pretty hectic.

    It’ll be fine.

  5. This place is cruisin’ along just fine, methinks. I’m excited about a new series I started today, which Croney front paged below you. I would love it if you’d take a look and see if you have any suggested topics you’d like to see covered.

    If there was one thing I wish this site could eventually have that I feel spoiled by at Dkos, would be the autorefresh feature, but I’m guessing that’s pretty spendy or tricky. Otherwise it all seems to be working quite smoothly and I think you’ve attracted a lot of good people.

    I do have a suggestion for the future, to have a side bar section (maybe above the blogroll?) for actionable items or essays with actionable items. As the speed picks up here it’d be nice to have a known place to go to find those kind of alerts.

  6. reccomended essays for a bit.

    You know what that means!!!

    You’re doomed!!!! 


  7. and some of the older stuff before you opened it up is even more.

    I’d like to add a small idea. I’ve been doing a bit of thinking on TU, etc after some of Pyrrho and Peeders discussions. I like the way streetprophets handles troll ratings. It takes quite a lot to get them and then it’s only enough to keep it hidden. It’s considered and odious thing. Each site has it’s own customs, norms and rituals so TU has different meaning at each.

    Both events and intentions will form the customs and norms here. Great start so far.

  8. Ha! I have none. I love it here. Say Boss, I put some pony pictures in one of the pony party diaries just for you.

    • moose67 on September 15, 2007 at 22:43

    I missed you at KOS and then found out about this new endeavor.  Congrats man – I’ll be back to visit regularly. This is a way-cool site.

    • robodd on September 15, 2007 at 22:51

    We need to do something about those newbies with a user id over 60.  They just don’t seem to get it.

    • mango on September 15, 2007 at 22:58

    a lot.  It is very warm and cozy.  No one questions the fact that my q mark doesn’t work.
    Thanks a lot.

  9. I’ve added it to my “speed dial” page in Opera. I love the generally-familiar interface. It took me a few minutes to fugure out how to leave ponies, but now I know. I’m enjoying the familiar “faces” in a more open and humorous atmosphere, though I can see that plenty of seriousness is happening.

    I feel right at home.

  10. Buhdy:

    Is it possible to set the posting clock to midnight instead of having it be a rolling 24 hours?  I find it much easier to write and save a draft when I have time, and then look for a slow spot in which to publish it.  With the way it is currently, I can’t access a draft window to do that ahead of time (On The Bus gave me the ability to VIEW a draft, but not to create one early in the 24 hour period).

    This also helps me because I’m so daggone dyslexic, and I tend to preview many times in order to catch most of my mistakes, typos, wrong words, etc.

    I still can’t edit – when I try to preview or save I get an error message and am told to bounce back to the home page.  The edits don’t stick.  Tried playing with Firefox, logging off, hard refreshing, etc., but still no luck….

    Oh – I have a history of breaking motherboards by pushing wrong keys. I had my very own tech support person for a couple of years –  just sayin’.  ;^O

    • ANKOSS on September 15, 2007 at 23:46

    Once the best blog essayists discover this place and start cranking, we will face the “drinking from a firehose” problem. There needs to be some community-based greatest hits selection mechanism and a library where these essays can be explored.

    Good stuff rolls off the blogs much too fast, and there is a need for retaining and organizing the best blog posts. Third-party annual awards recognize only a tiny fraction of great blog writing. I suggest a selection process for “notable essays” and a voting mechanism for promoting these essays into a greatest works archive.

    1. I worry that I worry too much!

  11. i’m beyond impressed with the effort and attention. i’m delighted that many of my favorites from orangeville are here. and / but it’s got a different feel (one to which i personally feel more comfortably suited).

    • fatdave on September 16, 2007 at 01:06

    The clientelle are nice, there’s teachers who you don’t realise are teaching you till you’re taught, the music’s good, the library is comprehensive. It will do me no harm at all to learn to do the fiddly bits so what I want to appear appears.

    You need to get some natural refreshing sleep at some stage – it’s the only thing that works:

  12. he’s in charge of about 30 of us Public Defender types and he says its impossible to do more that indicate a general direction.  Compares it to herding turkeys on some days, he used to be a DA and says that its funny how easy it is to tell DAs what to do, but with PDs its really impossible.  Just have to get good ones and let them go.  I think that is somewhat like here, this is a really friendly-feeling place that has some kick-ass writers and a lot of space to write in.  I hope it doesn’t get the “firehose” syndorome too bad, that is not generally compatible with good, in-depth discussions.

    Its a great spot, thanks.

    • KrisC on September 16, 2007 at 09:06

    Now I know why you’e so freaked out, buhdy…..
    Anticipation of the “civility-wars!”
    Yeeeooochh!  Yer picture of the dude freaking-out is appropos!
    Good night!  Get some sleep!

    • Slugbug on September 16, 2007 at 17:41

    Gave this blog an introduction at:
    I particularly liked the comment with Kos throwing flames and also the diary about how the Dems botched the joke, not John Kerry – with the parallel to the Dean scream.
    Simply elegant!

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