Why Things Are Like They Are. Vol. 1


Information filters.

One of my central thoughts about the world we live in.

It is beyond actual comprehension.

Certainly comprehension by any one person. And VERY certainly beyond the comprehension of George Bush! This means that in spite of all the posturing that The Powers That Be do in pretending to be on top of things and in charge and competent is just that….pretense.
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The main example that comes to mind is from what I have read of Sybil Edmunds and the whole translating situation with the FBI. From what I recall they had huge back logs of intercepts that had not been translated. That means that no matter how fast they got information, how soon they received anything that needed action….no action could be taken. Having a great system to collect information does you no good….unless you can understand that information and act on it.

This extends to a great many other areas as well I am sure, in different forms. What it means is that the PTB are dependent on information filters. And so, between bad tech, bureaucracy and politicization ……in reality they have no real idea of what is going on. Then we can add in even more factors. They are stupid. They don’t want to hear bad news…or any news that disagrees with their view of the world. Their underlings know this and consciously or not, feed them only the info they are comfortable hearing. And of course ALL humans have their own information filters and organizers in their heads. It is like a big game of Telephone.

What is my point?

They don’t know shit.

Their reality IS different from ours, because the information that shapes it is different. We all think Dick Cheney is insane. But based on the info he gets, he thinks he is a genius.

This applies to the results of their actions as well. The info they get is all best case scenario and rationalization. This is apparent from their reactions to news from Iraq. “We are kicking ass.”

Yes, Bush probably really DOES believe that that is true! Because that is what he is being told through all of his info filters.

They really only know what they are told. And what they are told is told to them by people whose job depends on telling them what they want to hear. And who are told what THEY know by people whose job depends on it….etc.

The famous quote about creating their own reality has indeed partially come true. They are living in their own reality, but the rest of the world has declined to join them.

And the chaos that has resulted from their nearly complete misperception and misunderstanding of the world is one of the reasons that…Things Are Like They Are.


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  1. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Still like….waaaay ungrounded, dudes! My shit is so not together!

    This has been an amazing fucking journey

  2. That image!  How do I get it out of my head?  I’ll go back and read the essay now.  Just wanted to say that first.

  3. there are rest stops
    Rest your mind first
    then proceed

    • on September 18, 2007 at 01:08

    thanks so much

  4. but I’m collecting information…what didja clear on the dharmathon big fellla?

  5. this part,

    And the chaos that has resulted from their nearly complete misperception and misunderstanding of the world is one of the reasons that…Things Are Like They Are.

    I think the primary architects of the “Things Are Like They Are” the neo-cons like Wolfowitz and Perle and the cynical technician masterminds of enforcing the twisted vision, Cheney and Rumsfeld, have done all of this with intention. Your essay seems to make it sound like they had blinders on, but I think they did it all with eyes wide open.

    Cheney and Rumsfeld have a fundamental mistrust of “the people” The neo-cons also have a mistrust based on the unrest they saw in America during the sixties. They saw that unrest as a failure of liberalism and all of them got together and decided America required authoritarianism. They decided Americans couldn’t handle the truth so they intentionally fabricated a reality for us to be broadcast all over the Media.

    I don’t buy that they have been wearing blinders. All of it was planned, intentional and they should all be sent to the Haque and tried for treason because of it.

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