What’s with the Weather? The La Niña-Tornado Connection

Excerpted by permission from THE ENVIRONMENTALIST:

2008 has seen a record outbreak of tornadoes in the United States from California to the Midwest, from the South through the central plains, to the Appalachian states.

In January, THE ENVIRONMENTALIST reported the University of East Anglia’s prediction for a strong 2008 La Niña event.

“The assessment for 2008 is that there will be a “strong La Niña” event in the Pacific, which will limit the warming trend for the year (whilst still being one of the warmest years).”

The La Niña phenomenon is an upwelling of colder waters resulting in a change in ocean temperature that causes a shift in the jet stream, reducing corresponding climate temperature. While this NOAA study from October, 1999, still referenced on their site, which uses data from 1950 through 1996, concluded there was no tornadic connection to the El Niño/La Niña event, Joseph Schaefer, Director of the National Storm Center, seems to have revised that position, according to this February MSNBC report:

Tornadoes do happen in February, but a study by Schaefer two years ago found that winter tornadoes in parts of the South occur more frequently and are stronger when there is a La Niña…

Full article, graphs, climate change considerations and links at THE ENVIRONMENTALIST


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  1. still cites the 1999 report that denies the La Niña connection, even though the author of that report revised his position two years ago

    More at this link.

  2. They told me Harold, a retired state trooper has built an off the grid household 1 mile up in the woods.  He has a ten year supply of food and water.  Hidden storage of gold and ammo, in short a survialist’s delight.  They asked if I had read “Angels Don’t Play This Harp” and I said no but I had advanced well beyond that and they need now to read Superclass by David Rothkopf for the complete history behind it.  I tried to then explain the parodoxical Satanic nature of “left” vs “right” politics and that both of these artificial political “parties” existed merely as focus groups serving to ferret out the most destructive memes which later would become policy as part of the Illuminati plan to destroy America.  Such things though are advanced concepts and are hard to explain given the mockingbird M$M propaganda media.  They were surprised at my notion that Obama was the love child of the globalist elites.

    Five nations  now are reported to have the very same capabilities of steering high altitude air currents like La Nina via HAARP technology.

  3. is undeniably insane. I’m no scientist but am sitting here in OR witnessing a huge thunderstorm, lightning cracking rain a pouring. Crazy part is last week we had record high temperatures in the 90 through 100’s. I witness the phenomena’s we all see where ever we live and say to myself “You don’t have to be a weatherman to see which way the wind blows”. Look out your window and see!

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