There are literally commercials on TeeVee telling us that our future is destined to become a grade B sci-fi horror movie like Gattica. In the ad there are people wearing Tshirts saying “I use three pharmacies”. But the jist of the ad is that all of that is no worries. Why? Well, because big brother Walgreens knows exactly what the fuck you are ON and It’s no problem for you.
Well it’s a digital interconnected world so if Walgreens knows so does the world. Trust me, they will use it against you.
I have heard commercials on the radio too. I take it as sort of a pre-indoctrination into the assholiansim that is the future.
“I’m Mr. Smith from SBLI and I just cut Mr Anderson, a 35 year old male, on blood pressure medication, a great deal on life insurance.
I am left to ponder what the deal is here. Do the complete hypocondriacs of the world get special benefits like frequent flyer miles for their continued support of big pharma?
The best graphical illustration I have found on the net is this one. I can only ponder if my car insurance rates would go up if they knew I was taking anti-alzmeimers medication. Would any bank give me a loan if…….
And to think “our” clueless clods, those Satanic minions of “our” congress won’t even stand up for our most fundamental rights via the false flag diversionary Pentagon ordered and directed psy-op commonly known amonst my fellow sheeple as FISA.
Now I’m going to see my Apocalyptic Horse.
Of course refers to getting off the electronic surveillance grid which is the medical institution of today. The alternatives of homeopathic medicine, taking right nutrient suppliments is of course under global attack via the keywords Codex Alimentarius.
I know it’s incoherent for most but I am also a sort of the wagon master making sure the trailers are hooked up and headed toward those magical woods. The American suburban peasants annual spiritual retreat to counter that Satanic retreat that is Bohemian Grove. And yes I am giving you the most benign link on that subject here.…
…Glenn T. Seaborg, BoHo participant, former head of the Atomic Energy commission (renamed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission).
In 1957, when many of my friends in the physics department at UCB were registering outrageous numbers on their geiger counters after some of the nuclear tests in the South Pacific, and the Quakers were doing news conferences to warn folks not to eat milk, dairy products, or fresh produce, I was working as a waitress at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley/Oakland.
The AEC ridiculed the Quakers’ warning. During this time, the AEC had a meeting in Berkeley, with a conference dinner at the Claremont Hotel. It was interesting to see these AEC notables push away all the “warned” products, even scooping the whipped cream off the canned peach cobbler.
But what they weave is different? Yes? Like what Bush weaves, for the good of …? What?
FISA? Did I hear FISAAA?
built up on most of us (US) are terrifying to contemplate, basically compiled and used with zero constraints (of a serious nature). To a certain extent, almost has to make us laugh about concerns over FISA because that represent only a shadow of what the databasing world already collects, collates, and uses in terms of data gathering and mining on anyone with a credit card, medical insurance, etc …